Thursday, February 21, 2008

Wanna Help?
I'm hoping to get the green light to share my blog at a meeting called "Creative Ladies" next week. We meet once a month, share a creative project we've been working on and then we learn a new skill. This month we will learn how to make soap! I'm really excited!
But, I need your help with the whole blog look. I have tons of headers. TONS!! Would you mind going through (this isn't even a 10th of what I have) and just voting in the comments? Just leave a little description of the one you like best... the winner will be the one that I use. I know there are tons to look at... but if you have a moment, I would sure appreciate it!

**Update - I started this post last night so that I could have time to download all of the headers... I finished this post this morning, but forgot to change the time stamp... for those of you who are watching the duel... I don't want anyone to think I'm trying to pull a fast one :)


  1. I vote for the black and white of the family. so cute and artistic. ps...can i steel your playlist??

  2. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I like the one in front of the fountain. I liked that picture when I took it too.

  3. I'm with the morris fam--I ABSOLUTELY love the back and white of your family. Second would be the one with the leaves in the water.

  4. I like the one of your family in black and white and also the one right below it. I know how hard it is to choose now that I have a layout that I can play with. I spent an hour yesterday going through my pictures that could be used as headers. Good luck!

  5. Agreed about the family one.
    My favorites BY FAR are the ones that are easy to read. I like the bees and clover picture, but it's too hard to read the title. Same with the pink one with the plant.

  6. I like three: the family b/w one (more personal, and more interest because of the fam), also I like the black and white third from the last and the last one. Just personal taste on those last two. I like the handwritten look of the fonts and the natural feel.

  7. I vote for the black and white one with the family.
    Love it!

  8. I'm going to be highly un-original and vote for the B&W of the fam.

  9. I like the one with the fountains...want to come work on mine? It needs work!

  10. I like the fountains one :)

  11. I like 5, 7, 16, and 17. Sorry I didn't want to describe them all so I just counted them!!

  12. The fam and fountain for sure!

  13. Like I can pick just one! I love the fountain one, and the black and white one right after it.

  14. they are all so good. i would like to learn how you make your banners.

    my favorite has to be the black and white photo of the family. second is the pink daisy.

    and i'll just add my two cents on the font. i love the one that is used a few times and is on the last banner.

  15. Anonymous7:07 PM

    For me, it's a tie between the 4th one up from the bottom and the 11th one up from the bottom.

  16. I like all of them but the 5th one down speaks to me and...I like the one you have on here now.

  17. I love the one with the fountains too. But my first choice is the waterfall with you and your sweetheart.

  18. Anonymous9:44 PM

    The floor tile shot........ JUST KIDDING!!! ;o) LOL I vote for you and kids by the fountain........ :o) Although the daisy is VERY eye catching! And some of the others are very "artistic" and beautiful!! Really is hard to pick just one....

  19. Anonymous11:04 PM

    I like the one with the family by the fountain. Very pretty!

  20. I like all the black and white ones best--the fam is my favorite

  21. I am also liking the family one best. They are all neat though.
    Good luck!!

  22. I like the first header!!!

  23. You should too, since our name is Greek for honeybee. :)

  24. I am forever in love with the hot pink Gerbera Daisy! :)


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