Friday, February 08, 2008

So, I caved and went to the doctor this morning. Upper respitory infection - viral. Meaning: we can't give you anything to relieve your suffering, but we will gladly take your money! Thanks for stopping by!
Sigh... I do feel a little bit better, but not much. Hubby stayed home for part of the day again today. He took me to the doctor, ran some errands, and then he went to a meeting to set education goals for Little Bug (IEP). A friend took Baby Girl for the day and another gal from church brought dinner tonight. I always feel silly having others help me out, but it was so appreciated! Baby Girl finally had someone pay attention to her and my poor little family finally got some real food. Tonight they feasted on roast chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, rolls and Oreo Klondike bars for dessert. Heaven!
And now I'm off! The doctors orders were "bed rest and fluids". So I spent the day watching "Miss Potter" and "Thoroughly Modern Millie" and sipping and hot Tang - I know it sounds weird, but it soothes my throat. I'm tired, but every time I lay down I burst into a fit of coughing. So, I'm resting upright. Now I just have to decide what movie will keep me company this evening. Any suggestions?


  1. It depends on what mood you want: thoughtful, funny, shoot 'em up, literary... You could watch Persuasion (the good one from 1995, not the BBC/PBS tripe, The Holiday, Notting Hill, Little Women, Jason Bourne, Mr. &. Mrs. Smith... I could go on.

  2. I was hoping you were all better today.

    I'm so glad someone brought you all dinner. That's great. (I love hot tang, too)

    No suggestions for the movie--just something you enjoy. Get better.

  3. What a lovely meal that sounds like! Mmmm! My poor family got scrambled eggs and toast. Again. I know what you mean about having to rest upright - I have such a crick in my neck from it! Niiice movie choices! We just watched Miss Potter again the other night. Such a sweet movie. Not brilliant, but sweet.

  4. the kindness of friends and family is always nice and appreciated at times like you're experiencing.

    not knowing what your movie tastes are, i will recommend MY favorite movie... moulin rouge. hope you feel better soon.

  5. I'm so glad you received some much needed help! Try not to feel makes people happy to give loving service, and I know you'd do the same for them! :)

    Any chick flick that you love would do you some good! :D

    Here's a big "get well" hug...

  6. Go for the Anne of Green Gables trilogy. Anne always makes me feel better!

  7. Wow, that is SO sweet that girls from your church helped out! Amazing.
    I hope you feel better soon! I also HATE the URI diagnosis!! Give me some magic drugs that make all the symptoms disappear!

  8. Go get some of the TV shows you've been wanting to watch on DVD.

    I watched all of Ghost WHisperer Season 1 when I was sick a couple months ago.

    Pobrecito Melissa! Feel better soon. :(

  9. I am so sorry you are sick :(
    Coughing fits like that are horrible. I am so happy someone thought to bring you dinner; that really is heaven sent.

    Best wishes and hope this passes soon.

  10. Have you watched the Ultimate gift? It is so good! Hope you gett better soon! Really won't life be so much harder without the church and all the loving people in it???

  11. It's so nice to heave help when we need it even if it is hard to accept sometimes.

    Viral stuff is the pits because all you can do is treat the symptoms as best as you can. Blech!

  12. Return To Me.

    Best movie, ever!

    That, or The Count of Monte Cristo.

    Or maybe Frequency...


    I'm sure I'm no help. What are you reading comments for anyway! Go get some rest!!!


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