Friday, January 04, 2008

Poor Kid
I hate getting phone calls from people asking me if I'd like to try out their credit protection programs or buy into some kind of crazy travel plan that will give me $.001 for every $1,000 I spend. But, if I get a phone call for a survey, 9 times out of 10 I'll do it.
When I was in college I had room mates that worked for a survey place. They got money based on how many people participated in the survey. And sometimes they didn't have enough complete surveys to get the money they needed to make ends meet... so, when the survey people call I like to think that it's some poor college kid that could use a little help. And as long as it's not going to take half the day, I'm game.
I got a survey call today from a young man who asked if there was a female in the house between the ages of 16-48. I said that would be me. He then informed me that they weren't selling anything and just needed to ask a few simple questions about some products that I may or may not buy. I said sure. He reminded me that the answers to these questions would be kept confidential. Okay. Then, with a deep breath and a fast voice he asked me about the brand of sanitary napkins that I buy and use most often. I tried so hard not to laugh, but I could hear his face turning red over the phone! I answered his rapid fire questions and he told me to have a good day... I, of course, immediately ran to the computer... because, as always, one man's pain makes wonderful blog fodder!


  1. Oh that kid is hating his job today! How funny!

  2. That poor, poor guy. But you're right, it sure makes for hilarious blog material!

  3. Too funny. But good blog material, that's for sure!!

  4. I got the same call yesterday!! The girl I talked to didn't quite know what to say when I told her I haven't used any sanitary napkins for a year now. (Due to the pregnancy and birth of your niece ;]) It was funny, but not as funny as your story!

  5. Bad Melissa! Bad, bad! Taking advantage of a poor little college boy who's probably highly embarrassed to be doing his job but grateful for every penny...

    I love it!! ;-)

  6. Oh man, that poor kid. Too funny!!

  7. You are TERRIBLE!!! That is so funny. But just think one day when he's playing "What's the most embarrassing job you've ever had?"--he's got the best answer!!!

  8. I worked for a survey company too. It sucked.

    If I had a Pop Tart for every time I had to say "For demographic/statistical purposes only...." I'd open up my own Pop Tart buffet restaurant.

    The worst was the long surveys. People just don't want to go over 5 minutes and I don't blame them at all. The second worst was ones put on by political candidates. Oh crap, you do not want to engage strangers in political talk. It got contentious, ranty, and long-winded.

    You are a saint for answering surveys, Melissa!

  9. Haha, "poor kid" is an understatement!

  10. Muahahah! I love it.

    You took his survey...
    He's hatin'...

  11. HA! What a hoot. I'm sure he was HATING his job today...

  12. you masochist, you :] you know you enjoyed every minute of it.


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