Saturday, January 05, 2008

Party Pooper
I'll do a party post tomorrow... I just wanted to share one quick lesson with y'all in case you ever decide to have a bunch of 8-10 year old boys in your home.
DO NOT HAVE BALLOONS. They will want to pop them. All of them. They will not be satisfied till all 132 (give or take a few) balloons are destroyed. And you? Well, YOU will be left with a huge mess and a headache to end all headaches. So, I truly believe that it is in the best interest for everyone involved if you just forget the balloons. Give them cotton balls instead. Nice, quiet, soft cotton balls.
That is all for now. I will be back tomorrow to impart more Birthday wisdom upon you, unless the pounding in my brain refuses to subside... then, you'll just have to wait. Now, I'm off to find a dark corner.


  1. Good lesson. I will sincerely, and wholeheartedly, take it to heart. (ha, ha!)

    Hope your recovery is swift! (I'm eager for more words of party wisdom...) :-)

  2. Dude, that is a LOT of balloons! Next time, get a few helium ones that are tied down. Loose balloons are just screaming to be kicked, sat upon and popped...

  3. Yes, Ive had untethered balloons at a couple of my parties too. Now with girls they bat them up in the air and knock things over, then they fuss over who has the most pinks. and they get upset if a balloon pops

    Never hang anything heavier than crepe paper from the ceiling either- as soon as any kid sees something dangling they try to hit it and yank it down.

    that's why I wish I could afford to have parties somewhere not my home

  4. I am not a fan of balloons!!! I would have to agree with Tracey--that is a WHOLE LOT of balloons.

    Can't wait to hear about the rest of the party. Sorry about your headache ; (

  5. So sorry about the headache! :(

    I always do balloons, expecting (correctly) that they will be popped...but I keep it to fewer than 20!

  6. Jake is allergic to latex, so balloons are always out at parties here. That will save me some headaches!

  7. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Wow, that's a lot of balloons! I love the color scheme, though!

  8. Yes, it's true. I have three boys, and what they love most about balloons is POPPING them!

    The photos sure are pretty and festive :)

  9. We threw a little party for Haddie today and I about died blowing up four balloons. I think I would have passed out with all yours. :-)

  10. LOL, you poor woman. I can't stand balloons popping. I think I must have been tortured as a child or something. I would have been in a corner rocking. I hope the head gets better soon.

  11. So is it true that you can tell how fun the party was by how big the mess is?

  12. 'cause all those popped balloons are gonna make a huge mess!

  13. Totally awesome party! You did a great job!


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