Friday, January 04, 2008

Just One More Reason to Get in Shape
Hubby had Tuesday and Wednesday off this week. We decided to lay low on Tuesday. After all, we had to recover from the neighbor's parties, right? And I was sick. Anyway, I really wanted to get out of the house and do something on Wednesday if I was feeling up to it. I got up that morning and felt a lot better. So we headed to Balboa Park in San Diego. I'd never been there before, except to visit the zoo. We had a great time! The architecture everywhere was just stunning! We visited the San Diego Model Train Museum where they had a special exhibit set up that was built entirely out of Legos!They had all kinds of fun things hidden in each train display. But the kids got a real kick out of all the Star Wars guys hidden in the Lego display. Red especially loved this Battle Droid and Storm Trooper heading to the office....The next stop was a big ol fountain in one of the court yards. The kids played and I watched people sleep on the edge of the fountain. And then I did something dumb. We found this neat tree that was bent over so that it touched the ground. I decided that I could climb it. No problem! I got a good start... But, my shoes have slick soles on them and the tree was well worn from everyone else in the world climbing it. I slid a little and I froze. I wasn't that high up, but I couldn't move. So, Hubby did what any good Hubby would do. He took pictures. Yeah, HI! Can you help me down please? Then he laughed and said, "Why didn't you just walk across?" Fine Mr. Smarty Pants! Let's see YOU do it.
And so he did.
Showoff. The kids played hide and seek and I just loved this photo of Baby Girl counting....Then we found another tree that almost touched the ground... we put the kids on and I sat on one end and bounced by jumping up and down.
May I tell you about the incredible pain I have had in my thighs since that moment? I tried to climb a tree and then I bounced my kids using muscles that I DON'T HAVE. I could barely walk yesterday and today is almost as bad.

So kids, what is the lesson learned from this extremely long blog post? Don't play with your kids unless you have muscles. I know that's the lesson I learned.


  1. Oh yeah, I've learned that lesson too! LOL :-)

    Looks like a fun time, though.

    We were in San Diego (my first time ever) this past summer. We had a great time!

    Glad you're beginning to feel better!

  2. Sounds like a great workout. Maybe you should secretly take the kids there every day. And then in 2 months, when you're all like buff and everything, you can take your hubby back and laugh at HIM when he can't do all the cool buff thigh miscle things you can do.
    ( sorry. This is what happens to me when I drink Diet Coke for breakfast.)

  3. I haven't climbed a tree in forever... at least you tried.

  4. What a fun day! I love the pictures. My boys would love it there. It's too cold here to do just about anything and they're a little frustrated. I'm glad you're feeling better!

  5. What a great excuse!
    Not today kids! i don't have muscles!

  6. What a fun day!!! I like justrandi's idea. Go for it, Melissa.

    Love the pics, especially the one of Baby Girl counting. Too cute.

  7. Heck, I'm not even to the point of aiming for muscles yet. I'm just aiming to lose some of the flab! You might not have kept up, but you look great!

  8. Super cute pictures! And I agree with Heather, at least you tried, I wouldn't have even attempted!

  9. Super cute pictures! And I agree with Heather, at least you tried, I wouldn't have even attempted!

  10. Hey, no it wasn't you. There were some really unkind things done and said by people I know IRL. Thanks though.

  11. Looks like a wonderful day and can I just say that I am sooooo jealous of your sunshine right now :o(

    P.S. You'll get that tree next time.

  12. I want to go to Balboa Park! Lauren would love the architecture, and Zach would be in Heaven with the Lego display at the train museum...ESPECIALLY the Star Wars guys! I wanna try my, foot on that tree! ;)

    Wonderful pictures! I love it! :)

  13. Anonymous2:39 PM

    awww, i love the picture of mama and son arm in arm facing away from me. precious :)

  14. lol. that will teach you :]
    i, too, love that picture of baby girl counting. looks like you had a great day.


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