Thursday, January 10, 2008

Body Battles
It seems that different parts of my body are always at odds with each other. For example, last night my legs were screaming that they wanted to be done exercising while my brain and belly were saying "SUCK IT UP!!".
Another great example is when I'm reading a book late at night. My eyes desperately want to close but my brain wants to read "Just one more page..."
But, today my body is really duking it out. My stomach is yelling... no, SCREAMING for food. I'm hungry and I want to eat. The problem? My teeth are in pain. And so my brain and my mouth have ganged up on my poor tummy and have told them that they are not willing to fight through the pain to satisfy the hunger. Hopefully a trip to the dentist (and maybe a good psychiatrist) will fix this conundrum!


  1. I'm sorry, but enjoyed the post! I hope you get to the dentist soon so you can satisfy your hunger!!! (Going to the dentist is one of my LEAST FAVORITE things to do)

  2. I abhor going to the dentist. And I have an appointment for a cleaning (hopefully just that) in less than a month. No, I'm not counting down or anything.

    Good luck! I hope you will have some relief soon!

  3. Oh dear! Hope it's a simple fix! Smoothies are a good alternative in the meantime, though.

  4. Uggh, I know what you mean. My brain and stomach are always duking it out about the food issue.
    Hope you get to the dentist soon!

  5. So true! Body Battles is a great term, I am going to remember that one.

    Sorry about the toothache. I hate the price of the dentist a lot more than the actual visit. Hope you are feeling better soon, and thanks for the music.

  6. hahaha...suck it up! that's classic. happens far too frequently in my exercise routine, i tell ya what. sorry about the teeth pain, sweets! get thee to a dentist!

  7. Oh my, I sure hope you get your body to straighten up soon. Poor girl.

  8. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Boy, you have some serious internal wars going on right now. Hope a peace agreement is reached soon.

  9. OHHHH, NOOOO! It all sounds pretty miserable to me! When teeth hurt, everything hurts! :(

  10. I have a crumbling tooth and no dental insurance. I've been reading Leven Thumps at my daughters request for two weeks and I can't finish it. I took the kids to the park yesterday and about died while huffing and puffing on the nature walk.

    Yeah, I understand you completely. You are like the other half a Melissa that makes me whole.

  11. what's up with the teeth? what kind of work do you need to get done? good luck.


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