Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Don't Slow Down...
WHEW! Sometimes autism really kicks my butt!! I spent the evening bursting into spontaneous tears. It was a fun night for all. Luckily I have an amazing Hubby who didn't tell me that I was being silly. He just wrapped his arms around me and let me soak his shirt with my tears. Then he read my blog post and laughed at me because I had accidentally called Little Bug - "Little But". His comment was "He's not that bad, is he?" He's wonderful, that man of mine!!
And a super thank you to all of you that commented on the last post. I appreciate the hugs and the prayers on my behalf. It's so nice to know that when I throw a pity party for myself, you guys will be there to help lift me out of it.
And now, without further ado, I'm gonna kick my own butt. Let me explain - if I let myself, I will wallow. OH HOW I WALLOW! I'm really good at it! I guess you could call it a hidden talent. I can sit in my chair and weep for weeks. I'm telling ya... I'm good at it. And what will come from it? What would be my end result? Nothing. Nada. NOT A DARN THING.
Little Bug is happy. He's healthy. He's a little sneak! He ate the frosting off of some of the birthday cupcakes whilst I was brooding ... little turkey! The point here is - yes there are struggles. Yes, sometimes is sucks. And yeah, sometimes I breakdown and cry until my head throbs and I have to fix it by taking Advil and a chocolate cupcake chaser. But really, my life is good.
I love this song... if you get a second, turn the music player in the sidebar off and watch the video. Sometimes we have to go through hell, but there's no point in staying there... and so, we move onward. And now, I've cried my tears, I've shaken my fists at the heavens, and I've exhausted myself with all of the "might have been" situations I could possibly conceive. It's time to refocus and work hard to make 2008 an amazing year, rather than a year of regrets... and now, I'm off to dance with my kids and maybe start a tickle fight!


  1. You're so cute! :) Advil and chocolate cupcake chasers... You sound like me!! I've always prided myself on my ability to cry, and cry for long periods, often times crying about nothing.

    Would you like to start a club..?!

    Love that song! (Hang in there, and enjoy your fun!) :) God has his reasons. Sometimes that fact irritates me, but I know it's true, and regarding my life, I hope to be flooded with understanding and insight....

  2. Oh hun, just read you last post? Once again I ask myself - WHY oh WHY don't I live within driving distance?! ARgh!

    So glad you're kicking your own butt. It really works. Do the things that bring you joy to help quell the feelings of sorrow.

    Love you! ~hugs~

  3. Fantastic post Melissa! I love that you say that we all go through hell sometimes, but there's no point in staying there. SO TRUE. What an awesome example you are.

    I do think it's kind of funny that you accidentally wrote Little But...

    I hope you have a wonderful day. And remember that it's okay to cry. Just get it out, and go on with your day. We all need a good cleansing cry every once in a while.

  4. Love that song! I'm adding it to my running play list.

    I'm so glad you're feeling better. Sometimes we just need a good cry, huh? Your hubby gets extra gold stars!!

  5. That song is my current Anthem. I'm singing it in my head all the time.

    Go girl!

  6. I love the "Advil with chocolate cupcake chasers" remark. I've been known to do something similar myself. You're grieving for something you've lost and it's ok to visit the valley of grief, but it's not good to camp out there! I'm proud of you for picking up and working through it. Have a great day!

  7. I have never heard that song--loved it.

    Sounds like your husband is a great sounding board--I am so glad. I have to say, I didn't even notice that you typed 'Little But' (doesn't say much for my being very observant does it???)

    I hope you have a fabulous day.

  8. It's been a few days since I have checked blogs. My heart goes out to you, but you are blessed to have little bug in your home! You are an amazing Mom and we all need to cry every once in a while!!

  9. Oh yeah I LOVE this song! I went thru a hard time a while back and heard this song on the radio, it was really inspiring! We never know what is right around the corner......happiness!

  10. Melissa, anyone who can even get through a day dealing with autism is to be commended. But you manage to still be upbeat, happy and a fun mom. you go girl.

  11. Don't kick your butt too hard. We all need a good pity party/meltdown on occasion. I think it's very healthy. The point is that you didn't even stay there for an entire 24 hours so I'd say you are doing well.

    That song is one of my favorites! It's a great reminder to just keep going.

    P.S. Anytime you have a pity party, I'll be there with the chocolate chasers in hand. Well, maybe not in real life but you get the picture.

  12. i love your attitude... and your honesty. yesterday, you shared your heart. honest feelings that are very understandable. but you also see the bright side, the positive in the situation. we can all learn from that.

  13. Oh I so dare! Glad to hear that I am not the only one that wallows in sorrows at times.

    What a great song and congrats on talking yourself out of misery today. Here's to kicking "Stinkin' Thinkin'" in the behind!

  14. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Having a very supportive partner in life makes all the difference. You are both so lucky to have each other!

  15. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my site, it is about the CresceNet, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . A hug.

  16. I'm so glad the clouds are starting to part for you after a good cry. Crying is such an important outlet for pain, sorrow, and frustration...it's healing. Your hubby is amazing, and so are you! :)

    Like Yvonne, I didn't notice that you had typed "Little But!"

    I hope this is a great day for you!

  17. Hey, there's a little award on my blog for you...


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