Friday, January 11, 2008

Almost.... There....
We've almost made it. We've had 3 kids. Gone through 9 jobs (that I can remember) and moved 13 times in 7 different towns. We've laughed and cried and kept each other from falling off "The Cliffs of Insanity" (movie trivia anyone?). And in 5 more days we will celebrate our 10 year anniversary!
I decided that I wanted to make a new quilt for our bed... but, since we are looking at some fantastic dental work in the next while, I wanted to use as much fabric from my stash as I could. Shouldn't be hard, right? After all, I am a collector of fabrics! So I got out our folding table... the one that is six feet long... thinking that it would give me plenty of space to go through my mountains...Nope. 6 feet of table top and it's STILL not enough to hold all my stuff. See the green box in the first picture?? It's full of fabric... there is another container in my room that I didn't drag out because it's full of denim and I knew I didn't want denim on this quilt. And then I have ANOTHER set of drawers that is full of fabric that I didn't get out because it's mostly scraps. ACK!
So, I dug in... I sorted and stacked and divided. I color coordinated and slowly sifted through the things I might want and the ones I knew I didn't (like the BRIGHT orange in the first picture). And, I think I have my fabric narrowed down....

I need to go to JoAnn's and get some filler fabric and the back... I found the sheets at WalMart on clearance for $19 - I still hate WalMart, but I love the sheets :) Necessary evil... ANYWAY, now the REAL work begins... I will now go to THIS SITE (this link just shows patterns A-F) and find a pattern that I want to use... I've done a double Irish chain(not a link to the one I made... just an example so you can see what it looks like) before... and I loved it... but I'm not sure... if any of you have an awesome quilt pattern that you love more than anything in the whole wide world - let me know! I'm up for any suggestions!


  1. That is gorgeous! I love love love that color combo! I'm so jealous of your sewing talents. I can sew - kinda- I just think of it as a chore. Probably because I'm not as good at it as you!

  2. Beautiful fabric choice! Love it!

    I am so envious - I wish I could make a quilt. I know the basics of sewing, I made a very rough blanket for Princess' bed last year. But.... that's about the extent of my sewing abilities. That, and hemming pants.

    You sound like my knitting sister - she as a whole wall stacked with those containers full of yarn. You wouldn't believe it unless you've seen it!

    The pattern looks fun. Good luck! (Hope we'll get to see the finished project...)

  3. Oh those quilts look awesome I can't wait to see what you create.

  4. Congratulations on the ten year anniversary.

    Oh, I really like that color combination. I can't wait to see the finished product. Let's see: We can add quilter to your great list of talents ; ) I used to sew a lot, but now I just do mending.

  5. I so got the movie reference.

    I really, really need to learn how to sew.

    And I luuuurve the colour palette you're working with.

    And? We have that same table. In the new house it will be set up as my sewing/craft table. In the hopes I may someday do sewing and crafts.

  6. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Love your fabric choices! Blue and brown go so nicely together!

    I wish we had a Joanns here!

  7. Princess Bride.

    One of my goals in life is to learn to quilt. You need to post the finished product!

  8. It's a bit late probably, but the quilt I made for my dh for graduation had pics chronicling the last four years interspersed with blocks with names that meant something to the years that we were there. If you go to my April archives, there is a picture of the finished product. I even wrote him a book describing every picture and every block so that he could understand the pic and block choices. Lots of work, but well worth it.

    Also not exactly bed worthy.

    Post a pic of the finished quilt. I just bookmarked that page for future reference. I love quilting!

  9. I love paisley. And I'm not ashamed to tell the whole world about it!

    I'm a lazy quilter who doesn't like to iron or measure so I end up making crazy quilts.

  10. I am LOVING this Second PLace Victory song. Very nice.

  11. i can't wait to see the finished quilt. the fabric is beautiful.

    and congratulations on the upcoming anniversary.

  12. I want one!!! That fabric is so cute! I like it too because it's not too girly. I think even my husband would like it!!!

  13. Do your talents never end? That is going to be a beautiful quilt and I'm so glad we get to see it through the process.

  14. Princess Bride...I just read the book (better than the movie if you can believe it.)

    I love those fabrics!!

  15. I love Princess Bride! Congrats on your 10th Anniversary...hooray, that's so wonderful! :D

    I'm so happy to know there are still quilters in the world! I am not quilting right now, but I will be getting back to it in the future! Your fabric choices are's going to look beautiful! :)


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