Wednesday, January 16, 2008

10 Years
Woohoo! We've made it 10 years! I never thought that it was possible to love someone more each day... but my sweet husband has shown me that it is possible.
I thought I'd take you through just a quick rundown of our wedding...
All of our engagement pictures were taken by my mom... the header is one of them that I really REALLY loved... I also liked this's not that fuzzy in real life... my scanner isn't the greatest....But, I was overruled. Hubby and my Mom liked this one... I hated it. Still do. The tree makes it look like I've got horns and my overall strap is falling off because my SWEETIE tried to pull me up into the tree by said strap. That was a fun wedgie moment....
We were married on January 16th in the Idaho Falls temple... wait... who in the world gets married in IDAHO in JANUARY?? There was a terrible storm that day... what were we thinking?Most people love their wedding photos... I was so disappointed with ours. The photographer said she was going to use a "soft lens". I had no idea what that was, so I said, "Sure - whatever". All the photos they took look like a fog moved into the reception area... :S The ones my mom and family took are great, but the "professional pictures".... sigh... these are the best two... Man! We were so little... ANYWAY... my Grammy has a tradition for the brides of our family. You see, she used to decorate for weddings. Most of the things used for my reception came from her vast store of lovelies. And so, she has tons of flowers from every era you can imagine. So, as you may suspect, some of those flowers are hideous. Enter the Grammy Bouquet:
We were nice with the whole cake thing... that's what happens when you have to rent your dress and tux... Our friends love us... they trashed my car and then toilet papered my parents house. Remember... this is JANUARY.
And it's all been sunshine and roses since then. Okay, so, maybe that's a little fib. We've had our ups and downs, but honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way!
P.S. - the song playing is actually "OUR" song... aww... aren't we cute ;)


  1. I have to say, you are CRAZY to get married in January, in IDAHO. LOL! I was just in Idaho this January, and it is FREAKISHLY COLD and those weird snow drifts.... let's not get started.

    Congratulations!!! What a wonderful day to celebrate! Hope you're going off to do something fun, and here's to many, many more happy years.

    Happy Anniversary!
    (fun pictures)

  2. I live in Idaho and it's freezing here! And it's COLDER in Idaho Falls. Cute pictures. Happy Anniversary! We celebrated 11 years in October. I hope you have fun plans!

  3. Congratulations! You guys are so cute in those pictures, fog or not!

  4. Congratulations for 10 years!!

  5. Yes, you are cute!!! Congratulations. The pictures are great. I'm so glad you did this post.

    I love the Idaho Falls temple. I think the setting is absolutely gorgeous--but it must have been so incredibly cold in January. What a fun memory though.

  6. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Happy Anniversary! You look so beautiful!

  7. Anonymous6:37 PM

    congrats melissa! perfect song to go with your fun pics, too.

    hey, cool photo that you put on your blog header.

    happy 10th. we hit 18th this month :)

  8. IF is cool even in July, so you are stuck either way. Loved the pics.

  9. Awwww, how sweet are you guys? I think the snow just adds to beauty of the temple.

    Happy Anniversary!!!

  10. P.S. The header is the bomb!!

  11. Happy Anniversary!! Love your wedding photos, thanks for sharing them!

  12. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Don't forget to dance again to "your song" today! :o)

  13. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Your wedding photo reminds me when Phoebe got married in Friends. Very beautiful!

  14. LOVE IT!

    The pictures, the story, the young-people-hot-in-love-madness!

    Happy Anniversary!

  15. Awwwwww... that's so sweet. I LOVE Colin Raye! One of my twins is named after him, ha ha! :) Five more years and we'll see if that's the song I'd pick for us! ;)

  16. Congrats on your anniversary!!!! I also did not like my wedding pictures! The photographer did horrible! So I had them retaken a year and a half later. They turned out much better.

  17. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Happy Anniversary! I love the pictures. What a beautiful couple you two make.

  18. Happy Anniversary! You two look so cute!

  19. Ten years, wow.

    It took some really dedicated friends to do the car and outdoor decorating.

  20. Happy Happy 10th Anniversary! Those are great pictures, and you were crazy to get married in January!

    Here is to many happy years ahead!

  21. happy anniversary and congratulations!

    thanks for sharing the pictures. they're great. i like the one of you in the tree. you guys look great together. and i love the one in your header.

    i also got married in january. the wedding was good as we lived in so. cal. our mistake was honeymooning at the grand canyon. we had snow most of the time. oh well, great memeories.

    when you get a chance, head over to my place. i have something for you.

  22. AWW Happy Anniversary! Such a cute run down of your wedding day! I love your header! It is adorable. I can't wait till I get married :)



    I loved your pictures and captions...and I think the "wedgie" picture is adorable! My favorite engagement photo is your header...when I saw it I said to myself: "I wonder if that's Melissa and her hubby...nah, it couldn't be!" :)

  24. You two are such a cute couple! You looked beautiful in your wedding dress! :)

  25. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Congratulations! We celebrated 10 last May! :^D It's crazy how fast it goes!

  26. Congrats, congrats! I like to look at wedding pictures. They're fun!

    And whoa--those are some seriously sexy kept them, didn't you? They're hanging in your attic at this very moment, aren't they?

  27. I loved looking at those photos. You can really tell how happy you two are. And from everything I've read, you are the perfect match!


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