Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Duelers - Take Your Mark!
Today will be the start of the blogging duel! I believe that I have three contenders - Magrick of Laughadaisy - who has already blogged today... she's gonna be tough! But I think I can win ;) Then we have So Greatful to Be Mormon who loves to blog - again, another great contender. And then we have a new face! I'm not 100% sure that she's gonna do it, but I hope she will! Jscrapalex of The Trappings of a Silent Optimist thought that she could do it - I haven't had a lot of time to go through her blog... but what I've seen so far is great! And, it appears, that she is also a gal who blogs every day.
WHEW! I hope I can stick to my guns on this one! So, ladies - start your computers! On your mark... get set...... GO!


  1. A blogging duel! That's a new one on me, doesn't sound like your usual friendly self. No doubt all will become clear in due course.

  2. (Already blogged today.... Check!)

    This should be fun.

    Good riddance,.... Shoot!! I mean, Good Luck! (tee hee!) ;)

  3. Yes, I am very much in. Good luck to you all :)

  4. I'll be checking EVERY DAY!!! That little magirk must be even more competitive than I am ; ) LOL at the good riddance comment.

  5. Anonymous6:35 PM

    you are too cute!
    this will be fun,

  6. Anonymous5:24 AM

    good morning melissa,
    i almost messed up. i accidentally fell asleep too early last night BEFORE blogging even one entry for the day. i woke up a few minutes before midnight and got on entry in under the wire, just in time. wheew!

    wow, i love hearing this song again. totally beautiful and peaceful. thanks for sharing it. i have no idea how to put music on my bloggy.

    great day girlie,
    kathleen xoxo

  7. Anonymous5:25 AM

    "one" entry not "on" entry. bad fingers typo! :)

  8. Another blog friend of mine (Bee) is doing the 365 day blog challenge. It makes my brain and fingers hurt just thinking about typing out a new post every day. I'd have to resort to taking pictures of my zits and having a name contest for them among the readers.

  9. good luck ladies.

  10. Wait, what is this competition? Did I miss something while I was dying of pneumonia? Sad! I want to play...

  11. Anonymous5:06 AM

    thanks for the idea melissa. i am having fun doing the contest. can i phone my posts in, too? tee hee


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