Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Okay - so maybe my spirit was a little dampened by yesterdays happenings (scroll down to previous blog post), but I'm gonna try to bounce back here. Kailani over at An Island Life wants us to post our favorite ornaments. I have several... so here we go!

I hate throwing away flowers. I like to dry them and then they just sit around my house. At one point I still had most of the corsages I had gotten from dances in high school and college. Lame, I know. But then I found a craft that I could use them in... I took the corsages apart and put them into these...
I think I have 9-10 of these... all different. This is probably my favorite one. I used the dried flowers and the ribbon and threw the rest away. I love what they add to my tree!
My Grandpa (my Dad's Dad) passed away before my parents had even met. I never knew him, but I feel like I know a lot about him from family sharing their stories and love. One thing I do know about him is his love for Yosemite Sam. So my Mom got me this to put on our tree...
When I was in Kindergarten my teacher made each student a star of clay and wrote our names on it. I still have it. It's simple, but I felt like that teacher really loved me! So I've kept it all these years...
When I was growing up one of my amazing friends gave me an ornament she had made every year for Christmas. I still have a lot of them... this is one of my favorites.
But, my all time favorite ornament is this one!
No, we don't fish. At all. I have never been fishing in my life. Never. And it's been years and years (before we got married) since Hubby has been. So, why do we have a fishing ornament on the tree? My Mom thinks the world of my Hubby and she was so excited that I was marrying him. So she gave this ornament to him the Christmas right before we got married! It was perfect and I still love putting it up each year. He's still my "Catch of the Day"! Yeah, I know that's cheesy, but it's true.
So, what are your favorite ornaments? Let me know if you post them!
And thanks Kailani... this has helped me feel a little better about all the Christmas craziness!


  1. I love the little angel your friend made. She'd adorable.

  2. Awwww. I love your fish story!

  3. What a lovely way to get back into the spirit of things! Congrats!

  4. That is such a great post. I love it--may have to do it. I also love "catch of the day" ornament.

  5. beautiful ornaments. and your photos of them came out really nice. i had a hard time with my photos. i think it's cuz my tree is in a dark corner. anyways, i enjoyed looking at your ornaments.

  6. That is so cool that you still have the ornamant from Kindergarten! It is very cute.

    Love the Catch of The Day ornamant!!

  7. Anonymous1:45 AM

    I absolutely love the first one! I think I'm going to try it myself! Thank you for the idea!

    An Island Life

  8. This was such a fun post! I LOVE the idea of making beautiful ornaments out of corsages! Simply brilliant! :)

  9. I wish we had made a tradition of giving and receiving ornaments. My MIL has been doing it so someday I will have some great ones!

  10. I love all of your ornaments! This is the cutest post ever!

    I am gonna do it!

  11. Ok, I still have all my old corsages and now I know exactly what to do with them. Thanks!


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