Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Killing the Christmas Spirit
I have had so much fun this holiday season. I'm looking forward to Christmas and have really been feeling the true Spirit of the season. Till the last few days. I've felt down and frustrated and ready to curl up and be done with Christmas. What happened that changed this feeling so drastically?? Well, I'll tell you...
I went shopping.
It started with having to go to the mall for the last of my stocking stuffers - books from Barnes and Noble. Baby Girl twirled and ran and bumped into people. I apologized and a few smiled. But most glared and "Harrumph"-ed their way past us. When I left I felt a tad defeated. Sure I got the items I was looking for, but the smile was starting to disappear from my face.
Then I had to go to WalMart. I hate going in, but when a girl is on a budget you've got to go for cheap. And we live in a valley that doesn't believe in cheap. Ask any of my Mercedes or BMW owning neighbors. There are some fantastic stores down here, but they are expensive unless they have a good sale. The things I needed were not on sale anywhere... so, to WalMart I went. Looking back in retrospect, perhaps the extra money paid would have been worth it. Although, people here are just grumpy right now. So, I may have had the same experience anywhere.
I thought I could make the best of the situation. I smiled at people. I said "Hello" and "Excuse me" as I pushed my way through the minions of other shoppers trying to stick to a budget. People glared, stepped in front of me ON PURPOSE, blocked lanes while they visited with others for a good 5 minutes and were, in general, grouchy. And I'm just talking about the EMPLOYEES! Don't get me started on the other shoppers. It made me want to yell, "GO HOME! And take your stinkin grinchy attitude with ya!" GRRR!
So, if you're looking for a fantastic way to kill off the Christmas Spirit, head to your local WalMart where the employees are rude and the shoppers are heartless. Or, go shopping in general. But, if you want to keep that lovely Spirit alive, finish your shopping online!


  1. I'm sorry you've had to go out and fight the grumpy people ; ) I had to go out yesterday--I just wish they would turn up the Christmas music a little louder. That always helps me feel the Christmas Spirit--thus I think it will help the other people out, too.

  2. I've noticed a distinct decline in the Walmart crowds this year. I think people really are doing more shopping online.

  3. Amazon.com. That's all I'm sayin'. =P

  4. Online shopping all the way! I did have to venture forth to Voldemart today though and it wasn't too bad. Thank goodness.

  5. I'm with you on this one. It seems that whenever I go to 'that' store (but especially during the Christmas Season), I am surrounded by grumpiness and ill manners.

    One year, I was walking past a woman standing in front of a palet of those popcorn tins. Another lady came up and reached for a tin, while the standing woman sniped at her, "Don't touch that! The whole palet is mine!"

    I was so depressed by her holiday 'spirit,' but all I could think was Man, I'm glad I'm not on her Christmas list! (ha, ha)

    Sorry you had a bad time. Hope you can get back into that wonderful Christmas cheer. I guess we're all bound to run into some of that, eh? Not everyone is happy. :-)

  6. man, I was out at target today and feeling oh so sad that my dollar would not stretch far, at all. I was shocked at how expensive stuff was!! I need to get out more

  7. yah, shopping during the holidays always pushes my patience. but i'm not an internet shopper. i try to go either early or really late.

  8. I'm sorry that your Christmas cheer was dampened by such rude people. Walmart employees are the rudest ever!

  9. So sorry about the dampening of the Christmas spirit! What you need is a good trip to the Northwest. Really. Come on up; I'll house you. It's brimming over up here, and spilling all over everyone and making them all shiny and sparkly.

    I went to WalMart today and had several polite and kind interactions with all sorts of strangers, including employees.

    Weird, huh?

  10. Amen to Wal-Mart, UGH! Yep, online shopping is grand!

    If I'd seen you and Baby Girl, I would have smiled! :)

  11. Ugggh, I can't stand people like that. I do my best to just smile at them and say (in my sweetest voice ever) "Merry Christmas". That usually at least stuns them into silence.

    You keep that spirit up girl. You are the bomb!


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