Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Just Out of Curiosity....
Have any of your husbands/dads/sons/boyfriends (basically anyone of the male gender) started their holiday shopping yet? I was just wondering if my Hubby will be the only one dashing around town the next few days hoping and praying that what he's looking for (I have no idea what that might be) will still be on the shelf. On Monday night at dinner I mentioned that Christmas was in a week and his head popped up so fast I thought he had given himself whiplash. He had no idea that it was so close. The truly strange thing: he doesn't seem panicked. Not one bit. If it were me, I would be like a chicken with my head cut off. Running around in circles till I fell over dead. Isn't that a fun mental image? Anyway, there was one year where I looked and looked and looked for something for Little Bug. I finally went out and bought a car track on Christmas Eve. The whole mental anguish of looking for the "perfect gift" stressed me out in ways that I cannot explain! And he just seemed so calm this morning when I asked him if he would need a night this week to go shopping. "Yeah, I guess so." GAAAH!!
So, fill me in! Are the xy chromosomes in your life Supermen who got their shopping done the day after Thanksgiving? Or will they be Scrambling men like my own sweetheart? And do they seem panicked at all?


  1. My hubby is finsihed, he's way more on top of it than I am...

  2. How funny, I am just like your husband this year. I am not finished shopping and I am not really worried about it haha! I usually am but I think I am too much in "la la land" thinking about when my boyfriend comes hoem from his mission that I haven't been able to focus on anything else.

  3. Oh man do I have stories of my hubby's lack of shopping at Christmas! I will have to do a post about them all!! Two years ago I forbid him from getting my gift from Wal-mart! WHY? Cause he would be there Christmas eve at oh about 10:00 (pm). So then last year I really wanted a wheat grinder, and I got one, well I got a picture of one anyway. Cause he really wanted to get me one, but waited to long to order it on line, so HA! So this year I told him NO PICTURES of things you think I might like. He said he is done and I am going to love my gift, so we will see!!!
    (ok so I just did the post in your comment section Ü)

  4. I am SO finished. I also try to not stress over a "perfect" present. If it doesn't happen, so be it. I try to get any presents that are "special" really early. And then I talk that person into thinking that THEY thought of that great gift... heh, heh.

    My husband still has to buy a present for his mom's long-time boyfriend (wish they'd get married so I could type that faster...) but he's really hard to shop for, so we just figure that nothing we get will be GREAT! so why stress over it?

  5. I am SO finished. I also try to not stress over a "perfect" present. If it doesn't happen, so be it. I try to get any presents that are "special" really early. And then I talk that person into thinking that THEY thought of that great gift... heh, heh.

    My husband still has to buy a present for his mom's long-time boyfriend (wish they'd get married so I could type that faster...) but he's really hard to shop for, so we just figure that nothing we get will be GREAT! so why stress over it?

  6. My hubby got a break this year. I did all the shopping for him.

    I can't help it!!! It's just that, well, I stay home with the children (with 1-year-old twins, I might add), and so when the weekend comes, or an evening when I can sneak out, I'm the one out taking a break from the child care.

    So he hasn't really had an opportunity to go. So I told him I would get something that I wanted, and he could wrap it.

    Besides, the best Christmas presents he can give me are the times when I can get away for a bit and recoup my sanity. (Okay! I haven't recouped NEAR enough sanity, but it's nice to be out alone anyway!)

    Other than that, yeah, I'm sure it's a guy thing.

  7. It sounds like he's already done. Maybe he's just trying to fool ya!

    My husband and I don't exchange gifts with one another. Mostly because December is one tight month. Our daughter's birthday is the 23rd, then Christmas, then our anniversary is only 3 days after Christmas.

    The other reason is that both of us feel like we're just giving a gift JUST to give a gift. Does that make sense? Neither of us really need anything. Plus, we did just buy new furniture a couple of months ago. That was Christmas, birthday, anniversary, Kwaanza, Hanukah, and Easter all wrapped into one!

  8. Anonymous1:26 PM

    My husband does not do shopping. He just gives me the credit cards and I buy all the gifts. I usually throw a little something extra in for me, too! *wink*

    An Island Life

  9. Neither The Brain nor I am done with shopping. At least mine is started, but I do about 4 times as much. So I think we have about the same amount left!

  10. Neil's just panicked about not having mailed stuff. He shopped well in advance, but the stuff for his family is still in the basement. Oi.

  11. My husband is a Christmas Eve shopper and proud of it. I'm usually all done before December. But not this year . . .

  12. I think my husband may have gone out the other day, but he usually waits for our daughter (who doesn't get home from BYU until the 22nd), so I have a feeling they'll be out on Christmas Eve.

  13. my husband hasn't got my present yet but he says he doesn't know what to get me. i'm not sure what he'll end up doing. i told him i was furniture for scrapbooking for the room that we just made into my scrapbooking room. he doesn't have to have that wrapped and under the tree, so he may have lucked out this year.

  14. Since the invent of the internet my hubby is usually on top of it these days.

    However, the wrapping he needs to do won't be done until 5 minutes till :o)

  15. I am very frugal...that actually translates to mean that I am very picky about presents, and I take care of the budget and bill paying, and I don't like money being wasted on something I don't really want or need. So I decide what I want, ask Hubby if the price range is okay, he always says yes (because remember, I'm frugal), I buy it (or send him to the store with a picture), he wraps it, and I am ALWAYS delighted! He does like to go out and pick up my favorite treats to surprise me with...maybe he'll do that on Saturday...or Monday! ")


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