Sunday, December 16, 2007

Randomly Random
First off in our randomness is the blog change. I think this is one of my favorites! What say ye??
We went to the San Diego Zoo yesterday and as we were walking in we saw this sign:

Red promptly asked "What about pants? It doesn't say anything about pants?" So, if you are planning to visit the San Diego Zoo any time soon, please know, pants are optional.
While at the zoo we got to see the pandas and this one gave me a smile...

I love to look at the Pandas. They are one of my favorite animals... hands down!
In gingerbread house news....

I won first prize at our church dinner! Woo hoo! I won some very cute coasters and some hot cocoa. I was a tad embarrassed though, everyone else had bought kits. And when I say everyone, I mean everyone. Not one other homemade house in the place. We'll just have to see if I am crazy enough to try it again next year.
Oh, and for those of you that wanted the syrup recipe that I mentioned...
1/2 cup white sugar
1/4 cup light corn syrup
1 TBSP. water
Combine everything in a small sauce pan. Heat over medium heat (any higher and the sugar will BURN) and stir continuously. Bring to a boil - turn heat to medium low and let boil (still stirring) for 4 minutes. Wahlah. All done!
I'm afraid that's all the randomness I have for today. We watched the first Bourne movie on Thursday and the other two last night. We finished around 1:30 and my brain isn't working as well as I'd like it to right now! I hope you have all had a wonderful Sunday!


  1. I might have a go if I could find the energy. Maybe tomorrow!
    BEst wishes

  2. Congratulations! Muchly deserved! And you only need to feel embarrassed if you looked at people in a snooty fashion and said things like, 'Oh my...they sell kits, do they?' in a sneering voice. And as I know you rather well by now, I know you didn't. So yay!

  3. Congratulations on First Prize! Although, I must say, I would totally expect that for a house like yours. It's SWEET!! (As Napoleon would say...)

    You know, we were at the San Diego Zoo this past July, and I didn't wear any pants either.

    Totally KIDDING!! :-)

  4. Anonymous7:15 PM

    How could you not have won. That mansion is amazing!

    An Island Life

  5. Pants are optional ; ) I love the smiling Panda!

    Your gingerbread house (or should I saw mansion) was incredible. Way to go. Thanks for the recipe for the syrup recipe. Just in case one day I use it while I'm putting together a kit!!!

    I loved the Bourne movies, too!

  6. Congratulations! Of course you should have won. I got the new Bourne movie for my birthday so we watched it this week too.

  7. That house is down right fantastic Melissa!! So glad that you won first, because if you wouldn't have won, it would be an outrage!!! I've never heard of using the syrup, but the fact that it hardens instantly makes me want to try it out. I never like to do the houses for the exact reason that you mentioned. It just takes too long to wait for the frosting. Okay, and maybe I'm a bit OCD about the mess, and frosting everywhere....yeah maybe that has something to do with it....

    I've only seen the first Bourne movie. I've got the 3rd movie, but I refuse to watch it until I have seen the 2nd. Maybe this week.

  8. Darn right you won!
    And I wouldn't worry about next year. You're entering the same house, right? You'll totally win next year too.

  9. well, of course you won. i didn't even have to see the other houses to know nothing could compare to yours. but what's with the prize. you deserved so much more for all your hard work.

    and i love the new look. yes, it's my favorite thus far.

  10. Blessed Bovine! That house is amazing! (So are you doing to eat it, or have it bronzed?)

    And Red and I have thought the exact same thing about that sign: why do they never mention the PANTS? Please, everyone KEEP YOUR PANTS ON! Yikes.

    And yes--the background is very nice!

  11. That panda is not wearing a shirt.

    Your blog design is wonderful! And OF COURSE you won first prize with your amazing gingerbread house! :)

    We love the Bourne movies and have all three of them!

  12. Good to know about the zoo :o) I'll make sure I keep that in mind next time I am there.

    I love the blog design!

    Congrats on winning. I'm sure it was a slam dunk.

  13. Love the randomness and the new look. I'm still in awe by that house...

  14. I forgot to mention how much I love the look of the blog.

  15. I made stuff for an authentic gingerbread house a few years ago.....we ate all the pieces before we could construct it, though.

    Congratulations on your booty winning! And yes, I like the blue background. It's serene and pretty.

  16. wow, now that's a gingerbread house!! and it doesn't look like any kits I've seen.


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