Sunday, July 17, 2011

The State of the Union

Just a quick note to let  you know that we're still alive... barely though.  Did you know that Yuma, AZ was named the hottest city in the country?  Apparently we average 114 days a year over 100 degrees... aren't you glad I told you that?  Now that I've given you a random bit of information we can move on... to more random bits of information... mostly in the form of pictures.

In April I took Red and a few friends to a book signing for Brandon Mull.  The boys are all huge fans and Brandon was fantastic with the kids.  It was a great trip!
April also brought us a broken arm for Little Bug.  Once we got the cast on things were good, but getting x-rays and the process of putting the cast on was pretty traumatic for all involved.  We've got our fingers crossed that we don't have to do this ever again...
Cruddy pictures here... but Baby Girl got her ears pierced in May... 

The last days of school arrived and we attended several awards ceremonies...
Including a "promotion ceremony" for Red who will be in middle school next year!
We had our Angry Birds themed Father's Day (I made the birds using this tutorial)
And then headed to Idaho to spend time with family.  We flew kites....
visited Craters of the Moon

Some of the caves still had ice in them... nice and chilly on a hot summer day...
And 2 of my nephews were brave enough to crawl through this spot... on their bellies... I couldn't quite bring myself to do it...
Little Bug went into all of the caves and on the hikes. He really seemed to enjoy the day...
Snow in the mountains...
Wildflowers everywhere else...  must be June in Idaho :)
4th of July brought fireworks at home... 

Of course, the sparklers were a big hit... 

That night we took the kids to see Cars at the drive-in.  It was great - we had the movie in front of us and the Idaho Falls fireworks on our right.  So much fun!  Of course, I forgot my camera for that...

We did a lot of other things while we were there and overall we had a fantastic time in Idaho.  It's always great to visit with family and friends.  

We've had other things occupying our time here in Arizona too... Baby Girl did 2 weeks of gymnastics camp and is starting her 2nd week of swimming lessons.  Red just got back from a week at scout camp and now gets to start his own swimming lessons.  We've done a craft day every Monday with friends and I think that might be a new summer tradition.  Little Bug has struggled a little this summer, but he has enjoyed time in the pool almost every day. 

We have 3 more weeks till school starts and hopefully we'll be able to make the most of what's left of this summer vacation! 


  1. You can have been staying busy! I can only imagine the heat.

  2. Oh - I miss Idaho. Thanks for the pics. I hope you had a wonderful time.

  3. Gee whiz...I thought WE lived in the oven!

    What a great update! I enjoyed reading everything and seeing all the fun pictures!

  4. Enjoyed the update. Sounds like you guys are having fun. Everyone looks great. YOu are such a cutie. I need to update my blog. good job girl.

  5. Love the new background! Very appropriate :) Sounds like a hot busy summer. I can't get over how cute "baby girl" is. I think a lot of it is the facial expressions.

  6. So glad you posted about your trip. Looks like great fun. So fun to be able to get together with family.

    Great job on the Angry Birds.

    Everyone wonders how I can handle it when it gets really cold, but I don't know how you handle that kind of heat. When it's cold you just put on gloves and hats, etc. Not much you can do when it gets that hot.

    Wow--school in just 3 weeks. CRAZY.


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