Friday, May 13, 2011

Before and After

I do this every time we move.  I get tired of packing/unpacking boxes and go into this creative decorating frenzy!  When we bought our home in Oregon I stacked all our unpacked boxes in the middle of the room and started painting the dining room.  Hubby wasn't thrilled, but I just had to do SOMETHING other than figuring out where all our junk would go.

Well, we've moved again (just around the corner from our last place) and I'm tired of boxes... so it was time to get creative!

First off we have this nasty bench.  I bought it at a yard sale about a year ago for $1 and it's just been sitting around my house looking sad.  The yellow/gold faux velvet stuff was stiff, dirty and just all around gross!
 There was a small tear in the fabric and the foam was coming out of it...
I'm working on recreating our master bedroom.  I'm using browns, tans, aquas and oranges.  So, when I saw this orange fabric at JoAnn's, I knew I had to have it for the bench!

Love, love, love the way it turned out!  The aqua and orange together are just playful and fun.  Can't wait to use this in our room!
Then we had the mirror I got from Good Will this week.  Loved the shape and style of the frame... not so excited about the, um, floral print... so, yeah.  Had to get rid of that... (p.s. I had already started the project when I remembered I hadn't taken pics yet... so this is just the frame.)

 I'm pretty sure those are flowers... or maybe they are really sad sea creatures.  I haven't decided which...
I scratched up the back of the mirror and then placed an aqua and white fabric behind it.  Painted the frame white and glazed it a bit.  Baby Girl is not a fan of the glaze... she said, "It just looks dirty".  But what does she know?  I like how it looks :)
It was harder than I thought to get a good picture of the mirror... hopefully you can see the fabric okay... looks a lot better in real life.
So there you have it.  Now I'm working on the quilt for our room and then I have a few other projects in mind.  And eventually... one day... I just might finish unpacking!


  1. So creative! & So cute! Love those colors together!

  2. I love the bench!! I never would have thought about those colors together. Awesome.

  3. Awesome Bench, love blue and orange together!

  4. Anonymous8:39 PM

    AHH! I saw this at Tater Tots and Jellos party -- I JUST did a stool this week and its Teal and zebra. We're like twins! Ahh! I just had to tell you :-) Looks like great minds sure know what is amazing huh!?

  5. Fantastic colors - the teal and orange is fabulous! Thanks for sharing - Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
    ~Stephanie Lynn

  6. You have got SKILLS, my friend! Love!

  7. Love the bench. Very nice.

  8. A bench for just a bone? Woo hoo! Love love love what you've done with it! Your color scheme sounds so fun, too! :)

    What a cool idea, scratching the back of the mirror to let colored fabric show through!

  9. Packing and unpacking stinks! The end!

  10. Love, love, love the fabric. I would love to find a chair in this or curtains. I'll have to go to our Joann's and see or I'm heading out to your place :)


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