Sunday, February 06, 2011

Creative Juices

Lately I have felt like I was in a creative slump.  Just couldn't get the wheels in my head to spin the way I wanted them to.
Awhile back Busy Bee Lauren wrote a blog post about a new book she had received for Christmas (I think). It sounded like the perfect way to get my thought process moving.  So, I got a copy for myself.
I forgot to get a picture of it before I started... just imagine the cover without the doodles on it.  Okay??  Okay.
So, the instructions are pretty simple...
(Can you spot the "hidden Mickey's" throughout my book??)  And so I began.  We took Red to the Cracker Barrel for his birthday and so, I "documented" my dinner...
Hubby thinks it's totally gross... but it makes me laugh every time I look at it.  Here are a few other pages I've done...
I don't drink coffee... so this is my hot cocoa page.
 This was something my 3rd grade teacher would have us do if we were bored... draw a bunch of swirls, pick 5-6 colors and try to make it so that no colors are touching (except at corners).
 Fruit stickers...
 Stamps (some of these are from Christmas cards from last year...)
 I didn't do such a great job connecting the dots with my eyes closed...
 Still need to figure out what I want to decorate the other hand with :)
This is my FAVORITE page so far... which makes me sad since one of the instructions in another part of the book says I have to give away my favorite page...
 My nonstop line got a tad damaged (and it's not finished quite yet...)

I have to admit... I've struggled with some of these items.  You're not supposed to wipe your food in a book, rip the pages, burn the edges, or doodle everywhere... and so far, I've done the easier items.  At some point I have to tie a string around it and take it for a walk... which sounds kind of embarrassing.  I also have to take it to a public place and ask people to write/draw in it.  I thought about just letting my kids do that part, but that seems the cowardly way out.
But the best part?  It's helped me cut loose a little bit... and I've been feeling more creative...
I'll post pictures when it's complete.
So, here's a question for you...
how do you get your creative juices flowing?


  1. Oh, so fun! And the quilt looks AMAZINGSPICE!

  2. What a fun idea. I LOVE IT.

  3. That looks pretty fun but I think I would have hard time doing it! I know, call me crazy.

  4. I think this is such a fun idea. Good for you!

  5. I. Love. That. Book! So awesome you're doing that! I want one...

  6. It looks like fun. If I lived closer I would go with you to take your book for a walk!!

  7. Yeah, I need one of those too. LOL! ;-D

    Glad your juices are flowing again.

    I'm looking for a revival in my own juices lately, too.

    Happy Creating, my friend! ;-)

  8. I love this book! I got it for the same reasons you did and I have done some of the pages. I need to pick it back up!! Thanks for the reminder! Enjoy!!


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