Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Christmas Quilts

2 out of 3 kids needed a new quilt for their bed this year.  I had already started a quilt for Red just a little over a year ago... and yeah.  Never finished it till this fall.  I pulled all the pieces out, reminded myself of the pattern and got to work.  It didn't take too long to get it all pieced.  Then I took it to a little place here in town to have it quilted.  My hand sewing is pretty much terrible, so I was more than happy to pawn the job off on someone else.  They did a fantastic job and this is the final product...
I did hand sew part of the binding... it took about forever to get it done.  But I did it :)  And I really love the way it turned out.  I didn't get a great photo of him opening it, but he really loved it!
 I knew I wanted to do a rag quilt for Baby Girl, but wasn't sure how exactly I wanted to put it together.  I sketched out several things, searched Google and Etsy for ideas and finally came up with this...
I was pretty much THRILLED with the way it turned out!  It's bright and fun - just like Baby Girl.  She was pretty excited about it too...
I just finished a baby quilt (that I'll blog about later) and then I have another baby quilt to put together and then a quilt for Little Bug and THEN one for me :)  I'm really looking forward to the me quilt.  I've bought the fabric, picked the pattern and I'll hopefully get to work on it.... in a month or two :)


  1. Great job--I'M IMPRESSED. Way to go.

    Can't wait to see the baby quilt and the "me" quilt.

  2. LOve the orange and green quilt!! But I love plaid!
    The flowers seem to fit baby girl perfectly!

  3. They look great, Melissa! ;-) I'm sure they really love them - you did a great job.

  4. Hey! "Scarves" left me the exact same comment about the puffy clouds!

  5. These quilts are great! I love how Red's quilt is brightly colored and masculine, and Baby Girl's quilt is bright and super girly! Perfect! It makes me want to start using my foolish fabric stash and create a quilt! :)


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