Friday, February 05, 2010

Unfinished Business

I like to create.  It's fun to sit down with a few pieces of fabric and see what I can throw together.  Sometimes it's a mess and other times it turns out a-okay.  Unfortunately, I have a bad habit of starting a crafting project, but not finishing.  I thought about taking photos of all my items in progress, but decided against it.  First of all, I don't have the time to take that many pictures.  Second, I don't want to waste your time looking at that many pictures. Suffice it to say, my projects are varied and many.
But I've set a goal for this month.  I'm going to finish at least one project - Red's quilt.  I started it last summer when he complained that his old quilt was too hot.  It has a fleece back and it's a tad toasty for the summer months.  Unfortunately for my oldest child, he's like his mom.  He wants to sleep with a blanket of some kind.  I can't sleep unless I have some kind of fabric tucked all around me... he's the same way.  But when the desert summers hit... it can be a tad uncomfortable to be swaddled in fleece.
So I'm going to finish it.  He's enjoying the fleece for now, but it won't be long before the heat settles back into the valley and he'll be sweating it out.  This is what I have done so far... hopefully in a few weeks I'll be able to show you the whole top!  Wish me luck.


  1. This looks great! I'm sure it takes a lot of work.

  2. Hi. I'm visiting from blogstalker. I like the fleece idea. I'm just learning how to quilt. I hadn't thought of that.

  3. I love it. You are always so focused. And you are such a good mom. Can't wait to see the finished product.

  4. i'm wishing you luck but only cuz you asked for it - not because you need it. i'm sure you'll get it done and it will be beautiful.

    i'm not good at finishing crafts either.

  5. Incredible girl. How do you do it?

  6. you are so incredibly talented!

    just WOW.

  7. You ARE creative. I was just thinking about the scripture tote you made me.
    Because you are nice like that. :)

  8. It looks great! I think you'll have no problems finishing it since it's for a special child. :-)

  9. Anonymous3:59 PM

    get the top done and maybe you'll get some help putting it all together in a month or so.... even the hem!! :o)

  10. So cute, and good luck!


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