Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Deep Breath

For the last few years I have had a mantra... something that I've chanted to myself when things were a little crazy with kids/work/life in general.  That mantra is : It will be okay.  
I know.  It's very profound.
I can't count how many times I've told myself this.  Told my kids this.  Told anyone with a problem this.  It's my go to answer for everything.  And now... well, now that mantra is being put to the test.
Let me ask you something... how many times have you moved in the last 12 years?  If you were to ask me that question I would probably say "One too many".  How many moves do we have exactly?  Well... that depends on how you categorize a move.  I count it if we moved all of our worldly possessions from one location to another.  So, let's start at the very beginning... 
  1. January 1998 - moved into our first place together after we were married.  
  2. April 1998 - we moved out of the first apartment and in with my Grandma for the summer.  We ended up putting most of our stuff in storage... but we did move it all.  So it counts.
  3. August 1998 - moved into a teeny tiny apartment.  I was pregnant with our first baby and had to back into the shower.  Really.
  4. November 1998 - got accepted into government subsidized housing (Hubby in school, baby on the way...).
  5. August 1999 - moved to Moscow, ID to further the education of afore mentioned Hubby.
  6. September 1999 - got accepted into government subsidized housing about 2 days after I had finished unpacking.  Now, technically while we were in college, we moved home each summer... but we didn't move all of our belongings.  So, I don't count it.
  7. June 2002 - moved for our first job to a house in Murtaugh, ID.  Got almost everything unpacked and then...
  8. June 2002 - got offered a cheaper, nicer place to rent by our landlords.  And it wasn't just a little nicer... it was A LOT nicer... and it was on a lake.  Couldn't resist.  Packed all our junk up and moved again.
  9. September 2002 - we moved to Irrigon, OR for another job.
  10. June 2003 - moved to Hermiston, OR to be closer to said job.
  11. June 2004 - bought a house in Hermiston, OR and thought we would live there forever until....
  12. September 2006 - moved to our current location here in Southern California.  But this summer....
  13. June 2010 - Yuma Arizona... here we come.
We've been married for 12 years and will have 13 moves under our belt.  Yes, we are insane.  Yes, we are incredibly tired of moving.  Yes, the kids are fairly upset with this decision.  Yes, we think we're doing the best thing for our family.  But that doesn't mean I'm happy about it.
I'm tired of starting over, finding new friends, figuring out how to fit in, getting the kids into school... just everything about moving makes me cringe.  I like where we are at.  I like our friends.  I like the school situations for all of my kids. I'm not looking forward to moving.  At all.  And yet... I know it will all work out.  
Now.  That being said... does anyone know anything POSITIVE about Yuma?  I've looked on the internet a bit and everything I can find is negative.  EXTREMELY NEGATIVE!!  For example... they don't have a Costco... which, in my opinion, is a crime.  But if you know anything good about Yuma, I'd love to hear it.  If you don't know anything good about Yuma, well, pat me on the head, commiserate with me for awhile and then, if you don't mind, please tell me that it will be okay.  Because every time I start to give myself "the mantra" my voice quivers and my eyes start to get all watery... 
At least I get to take you all with me.  You won't mind going to Yuma inside of my computer, will you?  


  1. Oh, Melissa...I check in on your blog occasionally, and I am so sad about your move! I will miss you and your sweet family. Hopefully we can keep in touch!

  2. I'm coming with ya ; )

    And I thought we moved a lot--girl you have me beat!!!

    You do know IT WILL BE OKAY. What is taking you to Yuma? Will you be any closer to family? My son, Brent, was there for a few months while on his mission--I will ask him about it and let you know. (I do remember he was happy when he was there ; )

  3. Wow, that's a lot of moves! I know nothing about Yuma. I'm sure everyone will love you.

  4. Oh sweetie, you do know that I'll follow you anywhere?


  5. Sorry about another move! Seems like you barely got settled in the desert. It WILL be okay! Hang in there!

  6. The good news? You are already accustomed to the desert climate, but Yuma will get the Monsoon, which is cool!

    I don't know about Yuma's school districts personally, but don't let stuff you read online about AZ schools scare you. We have excellent schools where I live (a suburb of Phoenix), even though our national numbers are horrible. The reason they are bad is because we have so many kids that are ESL students, so they always do poorly on standardized testing and bring the states scores down very low. It's been my experience too, that AZ has really great intervention programs for children with special needs. (And I moved here from Nor Cal, so I know what CA districts are like.) I have absolutely loved the programs that our AZ schools still fund that CA ran out of funds for years ago.

    How's that for something positive? Just delay switching to AZ plates as long as you can... car registration here is way more expensive in CA. I was in sticker shock when I registered my cars here.

  7. What??? I'm going to miss you!! You've had a lot of moves so I don't blame you not wanting to move but it also sounds so exciting to discover a new place and people. Plus, you are probably needed there. Think of all the experiences you'll have. I'm jealous as I"m ready for a move. I guess it is a lot like repentance, you get to start over with a clean slate. One downside, your Christmas card list is getting bigger and bigger with each move and that gets expensive. :) I'll be thinking about Yuma. Haven't been there but sounds like an adventure and you will liven up the place! Sniff. Sniff. Maddie is going to be so sad.

  8. I better get to come with you to Yuma on your blog, FB, and email. You aren't going to get rid of me that easy!

    No really, I am exicted for you and that everything is going to work out. It must be where you are supposed to be. :) I'll miss you, though.

  9. i was thinking when you wrote that....hey, i'm coming!!! you are a big trooper. good luck finding the good.

  10. Anonymous5:55 AM

    I can answer one question - NO it is not closer to family unless you count an aunt and uncle in Phoenix.... but we have ALWAYS wanted to visit Yuma in the WINTER ~ ~ really!!! :o) :o) And we will!!! And it will be ok!!!! :o) Really, really ok........ I remember #3 tiny apartment - I was afraid if you were still there when the baby came he'd would have had to sleep in a drawer! Thank goodness for that next move! See - it all turned out ok!! :o)

  11. Anonymous5:57 AM

    PS if it gets to hot in Yuma #6 is STILL a good option and it still would not count.... :o)

  12. wow! that is a lot of moves! yo ar a trooper! AZ is a bit closer to me maybe on your way through we can do lunch!

  13. Oh - Melissa it was so good to read your post. It is hard to move - we have a few under our belt. Jared is actually contemplating a job in Houston TX -totally foreign to me - but I have been feeling so many emotions and your blog summed it up so well. Thank - you I know you were looking for someone to tell you that everything is going to be okay - but thanks for telling me that somehow everything will be okay -

  14. Yuma may not have a Costco, but I'm fairly certain they have the internet, so we will all be just as close as your computer. ;)

    Good luck!

  15. yes, please tell us why you're moving. not that that matters. just curious.

    i don't know anything about yuma but i wanted to find something "good" about it for you. here's what i found on a "visit yuma" page...

    Yuma is nestled in the Yuma and Gila valleys of southern Arizona, offering a climate that blends pleasant desert sunshine with the cool waters of the Colorado River. Our clean air affords residents and visitors alike a year round vista of surrounding rugged mountains. Ranked by Money Magazine as one of the top places to live in the United States, no wonder many of the people who visit our community one day return to raise a family, retire in comfort, or simply take advantage of being part of one of America's fastest growing cities.

    We put out our welcome mat every day. Mild winters and temperate summers make Yuma an ideal destination for all your vacation needs. We offer a variety of recreational activities and cultural attractions. Enjoy our soothing waters or lush golf courses, our diverse selection of restaurants and shopping boutiques and our natural wildlife and breathtaking scenery.

    sounds good, right? well, i hope there is some good in it for you and your family's sake. look at it as an adventure - and one that you can blog about =) good luck.

  16. You have a great attitude and you will make it work. I don't know anything about Arizona but I know it will all be okay. Hang on there and keep repeating that mantra.

  17. My parents live in Yuma!!
    which means I will visit you at least once a year!!

    srsly - there are lots of really GREAT things about Yuma. For example, there are TWO Kneaders Bakeries there!!
    We love going to Mexico for day trips (go to Algodones, not San Luis, we love the sand dunes, and there are some very good wards there!
    I'm excited for you!

  18. Sheesh, I am INSANELY behind on my blog reading! :-S

    Best wishes for the upcoming move, Melissa. I hope everything works out for the best, and that it will quickly become a place/home you can enjoy and love, with lots of good people to surround you and to love you and whom you can love as well.

    I was reading justrandi's comment above this, and two Kneaders Bakeries sounds like a pretty good deal to me!! ;-) Costco nowhere to be found notwithstanding - I totally get you on that.

    I know God will be looking out for you all, though. ;-)

    I think you are closer to Idaho!!!!
    Not to far from St. George - you and Andrea can see each other!

  20. Wow Melissa. Moving is a big deal. You of all people know this. When in June? How are you doing with it? Have you heard anything positive yet about Yuma? I sure hope so. I have a friend who has family there. . . I could ask them. I hope we'll still get to see one another. Love you. -Camille


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