Friday, August 07, 2009

Two More
I think I can finish all the vacation stuff in two more posts and then you'll be rid of me! Well, that's not true... you'll just be rid of these posts... I'm not that easy to get rid of :)
On the 18th Hubby flew up and we headed off to a family reunion. It was at a cabin with a fun little pond that you could swing out over...
or catch frogs, salamanders, or maybe a baby turtle...
The next day we had a mission farewell for one of Hubby's nephews. Baby Girl didn't care much for visiting with the family, but she loved chasing the chickens around...
The day after that my Dad, Red, and I headed out for a hike. We picked the Palisades Lower Lake for our ultimate destination. There were some beautiful things to see along the way...

a few tired hikers...
and then, of course, there was the lake complete with bull moose and Canadian geese...
After that we decided to head to the Upper Lake. Dad has had some pretty bad back trouble, so he stopped along the way, but Red and I pushed on. The lake was beautiful...
There are several bridges that cross the creek along the way, but this was my favorite spot...
Whew! One more post down! I'll wrap it all up tomorrow. But, just a quick question. Do you like to hike? And if so, do you have an all time favorite place to go hiking? The Palisades Creek trail is probably mine and I'm so glad I got to hike it this time with Red and my Dad!


  1. Great pictures--how fun. I'm loving these posts--I love when people share their fun family times. (They are always THE BEST)

    Yes, I LOVE to hike. We love the hike to Timpanogos Cave. (I'm not sure it's my all time favorite, but it is fun.

  2. I enjoy hiking! What a great thing for you to get to go with your son and dad.

  3. Great pictures. The river and lake are just beautiful.

  4. LOVE hiking and we've done our share of it this summer. I have so many favorite hikes in Utah and Colorado that I can't even remember them all.

    What a gorgeous place you were at!

  5. I would LOVE hunting for frogs, salamanders, and baby turtles! Crawdads are pretty fun to catch, too! :)

    That hike looks gorgeous and amazing! I'd love it! :)

  6. I LOVE all those beautiful pictures! That looks like a lovely place to hike - I love little spots like that with so much beauty and peace.

    Glad you had a good hike!

    I like to hike, if it's not too rigorous. My body just can't take the beating of the big hikes.

  7. What beautiful scenery Melissa! So glad you could make those memories.

  8. sad to say that i haven't hiked much in my life. but i've done more here in colorado than anywhere and probably more this last summer than any other time here. i'm trying to get into it more.

    i would have loved to have come up to a lake and have a bull moose as part of the scenery. amazing!


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