Monday, August 10, 2009

A Tale of Two Screams
The other night I was in my room when I saw a very large cockroach in my closet. I squealed. Yes, I know how ridiculous it is for an adult to be so freaked out by a bug, but it was a BIG BUG. Hubby came to my rescue and took care of the nasty, horrible, hideous creature and I went about my business.
A few minutes later I heard a yelp from the other room (Hubby does NOT squeal... or so I've been told). I came in to find Hubby staring at the corner of the room looking rather annoyed. You see, he's not fond of small scaly creatures. At all. I, on the other hand, rather adore them. Can you see what we found? Kind of hard to see, but he's on the base of the lamp...
Here's a better shot of him after he'd been caught...
The kids and I were delighted. Baby Girl and Red started campaigning right away to keep him. I considered it for awhile (I had lizards as a kid) but ultimately we decided to let him go.
It's made me realize what a good team Hubby and I are. He's willing to dispose of the icky bugs and I'm willing to rescue reptilian creatures. If that's not a perfect Yin/Yang combination, I don't know what is!


  1. Gulp.....I don't like either!

    I CAN dispose of bugs and spiders though.

    But snakes, reptilian ickies.....NO WAY! Shiver

  2. I don't like reptiles either! I will leave it up to my husband to dispose of everything!

  3. I'm kind of with the other gals in this one. Yeurgh! I do smoosh my own spiders though. But only when Neil's not home... =P

  4. Spiders are o.k. but I WOULDN'T GET NEAR THAT!!!

  5. You make a delightful couple. :-D

    Personally, I'm not willing to dispose of either of those categories, so you can see where we are at our house!! Haha!

  6. How funny! I hate most bugs but lizards and such I can handle. I think it came from living in Hawaii where the geckos are your friends because they eat the bugs. Cockroaches? No thank you!

  7. I've never seen a lizard like that before. Yuck! Roaches are one of my worst fears!

  8. Well we just LOVE lizards. Can't say I'm so keen on the cockroach though. Maybe you could feed one to the other.......but make sure you get it the right way around.

  9. who would take care of furry little creatures like a mouse?

    i can handle bugs - i just kill them. i'm okay with lizards in the wild but i wouldn't handle it very well if there was one in my house.

    to answer your question... i haven't read any of the harry potter books. seen all the movies but never read the books. the last book intrigued me enough to want to read them all. that, and my son read all seven (2nd time around) in the past month.

  10. I grew up in South Florida- home of the reptiles. I used to catch lizards, hold them up to my ear lobes until they'd take a bite, and then I'd have lizard earings! Your hubby will love this story!

  11. I'm the same. I can even hold a lizard but can't even stand the sight of a cockroach

  12. Reptiles are borderline for me, at least some are. Bugs don't bother me, mice freak me out and I wouldn't touch a snake with a 10-foot pole. But lizards? I could do.

  13. I love lizards, especially when they do pushups! :)

    So what do you think of this? Last night as I was loading the dishwasher I beheld with horror a semi-big cockroach running around INSIDE it! Hubby Man tried to trap the nasty beast, but no luck. So I just ran the wash cycle!

    Hmmm...wonder if I should run it one more time...?


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