Friday, March 20, 2009

Random... Again
It's time for another edition of randomly random stuff. I'll be your host today to guide you through this jumbled mess of thoughts that have been scrambling around my mind. Please keep your arms and legs inside at all times... my brain can be a scary and dangerous place!
  • Why is it that people who drive fancy cars think they can do whatever they want? I was cut off three times yesterday... once by a guy driving a Jag, another driving a BMW and another driving a Lexus. I know that their vehicles cost more than we make in a year, but I think someone needs to let them know that they only bought the car... not the road they drive it on.
  • The other day we were cleaning up and I handed Baby Girl some toys to put away. She turned around and said, "Look Dad! Mom gave me the bird!" It took me a minute to figure out why Hubby was laughing so hard...
  • We have family coming tomorrow. They'll be here till Thursday and then we have more family coming on Friday. Should be a fun and hectic week!
  • I left a message on Hubby's phone the other day that went something like this... "Hi - I hope you're having a great day! Hey, I may or may not have bought a Wii Fit today. And I may or may not have played it all afternoon. And I may or may not be the hula hoop queen! Love ya!" I'm stiff and sore, but I'm lovin that Wii Fit!
  • The neighbors have a little girl. The other day she was in the back yard singing the songs from "Enchanted". Totally made my day!
  • I made my picks for March Madness. I'm not very scientific about my picks. First, I pick the teams by location. The closer the team is to where we live, the more likely it is that I will pick them. Unless they have a really cool name... then I'll pick that team. Like Villanova or Gonzaga. Try saying those names.... see? Totally fun!
  • Little Bug pushed our Little Tykes car over to the fence the other day. He climbed on top and threw rocks into the neighbor's pool. Sigh.

I think that's about it for now! Thank you for joining us today here at Mejojac's Memos. Please remain seated till the ride comes to a full and complete stop. We hope to see you again soon. Enjoy your day!


  1. I love the new blog digs! Have a good weekend!

  2. I have been trying to convince my better half that I would be able to stay in better shape with the Wii Fit - I think at some point I will win him over. Maybe after our frugal year is over. I hope you have a great week - enjoy having family visit.

  3. Woohoo for Wii fit. I'm glad you're having fun with it but you have to know that I am the hula hoop queen so you'll have to be the princess..LOL

  4. I so want a Wii Fit--may have to do it one day.

    Who did you pick for March Madness--I have Louisville picked to win it all. Out of the 27 people in our pool, I am NEAR THE BOTTON ; ((((((

    Have fun with your family.


  5. You crack me up. I'll take a ride on the Mejojac Memo Merry-Go-Round any day. Your posts are too entertaining to miss.

    So, tell me, when is the Wii-Fit Hula Hoop video clip coming?


  6. You're too funny about your Wii Fit. I admittedly haven't used mine in a couple of weeks and have been just running outside. I'm now to the point that I'm dreading that my trainer will yell at me. ;-)

  7. we'll have to come over sometime, let the kids play and try out the Wii Fit. sound like so much fun!

    And, good job giving Emma "the bird". I always knew you had it in you.

  8. Love your skirt! Your farm tour and your wii! They are fun huh! Love you!

  9. Love the randomness! Problem is it makes me want to respond to every item on the list! I'll go with the wii fit one as my choice for today and say congrats! I should really...umm...dust mine off and...yeah...

  10. i love the wii fit, too, but i'm not very good at anything. i can do the hula hoop ok but i'd never be the queen =)

  11. and we're coming in between your two sets of family? it is the jackson hotel! Thanks for taking care of us. I really do appreciate it!


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