Friday, February 20, 2009

Winter Reprieve
It's 31 degrees in Idaho where my family is at right now.
It's 74 degrees in California where I am at right now.
Which is why they are leaving Idaho and coming here. It makes perfect sense to me! The same logic is what takes us there in the summer... it is 120 here and 80-90 there.
I thought it befitting to deck the blog out in snow white for their winter visit. It may be snowing at "home" but here they will be able to bask in the sun and play out doors. The kids can't wait and neither can I! One more day till the fun begins!
I am sorry I haven't visited blogs this last week. I probably won't this week either. I'll be back to blog reading the first week in March. Till then, have a wonderful day!


  1. I wish it were 74 degrees here! But, it's nice today, so I can't complain.

  2. Awww. Have a great time with your family!! We'll see you in a few weeks!!

  3. enjoy your family's visit.

    your weather sound so nice as i sit here watching the snow fall here. but it's supposed to warm up nicely for next week.

  4. Have a great visit with your family--don't worry about not visiting blogs. ENJOY.

    I know I'd love to be basking in the sun right now.

  5. I think the Snowbirds are onto something--go where it is warm in the winter and back to cooler climes in the summer!

    I hope you're having a grand time!

  6. Yeah, what Yvonne said.

    That's one of the reason when left Las Vegas (in reverse): Too darn hot.

  7. I am so glad that you have family coming to visit. I hope you have a great time.

  8. Have fun with your family! :)

  9. I hope you guys have a great week with your family. And I hope you're feeling better.

  10. Never leave California again. Never. Once you begin to live inside the 20 degree bubble here, it just doesn't make sense to go anywhere else.

    Enjoy your blog-cation. We'll see you on the flip side!



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