Tuesday, February 17, 2009

More and More and More Random
  • First of all, thank you for all your kind words. Last week was hard. I wanted so badly to be in Idaho with my friend, but it just wasn't happening. I appreciated all of your thoughts and prayers.
  • Blogger is being weird. It keeps rotating my photos when I download them into a post... it's turned on my computer, but when I bring it on here, it rotates them. So frustrating. Maybe when I publish it, they will rotate back... or not.
  • I participated in a Valentine Swap and I got the best package! (again, sorry about the rotated picture...) I got a cute little bag, a notepad, some super yummy chocolate, awesome socks, truffles and a fun card from Earth Muffin! Thank you again for the package! So much fun! I also got a fun little valentine from Carrot Jello! I felt so loved!! Thanks Carrot!!
  • My parents and my youngest brother will be here on Saturday!! I can't wait for them to come visit! We're going to Disneyland one day, San Diego another day, the beach another day, hiking on one or two days... they'll probably need a vacation from this vacation ;)
  • I'm sick. I knew it would hit me. Yesterday we were visiting with friends and towards the end of the visit I started to feel blah. I felt bad because we were having a great time visiting, but I needed to get home. I don't have the flu that the kids had (thank goodness!) but I do have the head cold. So fun. I have a dream that one day all of my family will be in good health...
  • We bought a carpet cleaner. I decided to try it out last night (even though I felt crummy). I read the instructions, put it all together and then decided on a small area to try it out on. I was so disappointed with the results. It left weird stripes in the carpet and didn't get the spots out. The water was dirty nasty, but the carpet still looked icky. BUT, then I got up this morning, looked at the carpet, looked at the cleaner and realized something very important.... I never turned the scrub brushes on. All the dirty water that came up from my carpet was just from me squirting cleaner on and then sucking it up. No scrubbing was involved... on one hand, I'm glad that the carpet cleaner probably works better than I thought. On the other hand, I feel like an idiot.
  • The dejunking has been going rather well. We've got about 20 boxes of stuff in the hall that need to go to Good Will. I was going to do a yard sale, but I'm tired of this stuff in my house. So is Hubby. Which is why he bribed me to not do a yard sale and just get rid of the stuff. We filed our taxes. We'll pay for the STUPID termites with that money and then, whatever cash is left, is mine. It won't be much, but it will be a little bit...enough that I took the bribe and I'm gonna haul off the boxes as soon as I'm feeling better.
  • Okay... enough random. I'm off to bed. Baby Girl is playing. So I'm going to rest. I hope you're all having a fabulous week. I will try to do some blog reading in the next few days, but I'm not making any promises... and then my family will be here... but I will try!


  1. First of all--sorry you're sick. No fun.

    The Valentine Swap looks like it was fun.

    Have fun with your family--no doubt you will.

    Hooray for de-junking. Great job.

    Get some rest.

  2. Yay that your family is coming!

    Bummer for being sick. I hope you feel better soon.

  3. Sorry about the sickies - but so excited for you to be dejunking! It feels so good!

  4. GET BETTER. I COMMAND you to.

  5. you must be forgetting what life was like before all the sickness in your family. hope you start feeling better real quick. especially since you have family coming.

    i know you'll have a great time while they're visiting, even if you weren't going to all those fun places. enjoy!

  6. i dont like doing garage sales. donating is the more saintly thing anyways?! right?! glad you r doinfg well.

  7. 20 Boxes is crazy! I can't wait to see the finished result....

  8. Write down the stuff you're donating & get a receipt! You can use it as a deduction on your taxes next year! Just be smarter than me & remember where you put the list.... ;)

  9. WOO HOOOOO! Have a great time with your family!
    Disneyland, San Diego, the beach...you are just having way to much fun :)


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