Friday, January 09, 2009

Reading Rainbow
Spellcheck is gonna LOVE this post! I finally started reading the 3rd book in the Inheritance series. I really loved Eragon. I liked Eldest and now I've started Brisingr. Now, I know I'm not the smartest gal in the world, but I feel like a complete moron reading this book! I think he pulled out his dictionary of huge, unused words and tried to cram as many as he possibly could into this book!
Also, for some reason, Mr. Paolini believes that he needs to describe everything. EVERY.THING. This is something that has always annoyed me. It was the reason I struggled with the Lord of the Rings books and all of the Anne books (please don't hate me). I like to use my imagination a little bit. Go ahead and tell me that the guy sat on an old tree stump, but do you really have to take a paragraph to describe it? How it groaned under the weight of the character? How it was bleached from the sun and stripped of bark from the harsh winds??? SERIOUSLY!
Maybe this is why I'm not an author... I'm too pragmatic (that's the biggest word I know). If I were writing the book it would go something like this.
"Everyone got on the dragon, fought the bad guys and won. The End."
It's a best seller, I know. I'm just not detail oriented enough. Most of the time, for me, less is more. I don't really care if the characters walk into a luscious valley covered in a carpet of vibrant grass that is glistening like diamonds with the morning dew as the golden sun rises over the distant hills. Really. I don't care. Just get to the point. Why are they in the valley? What's going to happen? Sigh... I'm probably the only one that is bothered by this sort of thing, but that's okay.
What I really want to know is if you've read any good books lately? I'm in a reading mood right now and am looking for something fun and quick to read after Brisingr. Any suggestions? Also... are you on Goodreads? If you are, would you mind adding me to your friends? If you're not, may I suggest signing up? It's a great way to keep track of the books you've read and the ones you want to read. Plus, you can add friends and see what they are reading, what they've liked and disliked.
Happy Reading!

Sidenote: I'm stealing this idea from Yvonne again :) This is for my mom... yes we felt the earthquake last night. It was centered in San Bernardino. They are reporting it as a 4.5. There wasn't any damage and no one was hurt (She worries about us living on the San Andreas fault... go figure!)


  1. Keaton just started Brisingr and LOVES it. I don't like all that detail either. I have the same feelings as you...get to the point! A couple of quick reads that I've heard are good are The Covenant and Rules. I got Rules at the library the other day, but I haven't read it yet. Right now I'm reading a book about dogs by Cesar Millan. Probably wouldn't interest you because (I think) you don't have a dog.

  2. Anonymous8:47 AM

    ACKKKKKK..... 4.5!!! I had not checked the earthquake map yet.... glad you are STILL ok!!! :o)

  3. I don't really do science fiction/fantasy books.

    I have been reading The History of Love, which I have enjoyed.

  4. I finally get to pick Brisingr up from the library this afternoon. It took me a LONG time to get through Eldest... I totally agree with you... way to much details to the point of making the story drag on forever! I want to finish the series, just so I know how it ends, but it will be a one time read for me. I did hear that Brisingr isn't going to be the end... I guess he just couldn't finish the book without making it 2000 pages long or something like that!

    In my "to read" pile I also have "The Goose Girl" and "Inkspell". Currently Reading "Home to Holly Springs". The jury is still out... not sure if I like it or not...

  5. I love to read but I hear ya sister-if there is too much description my eyes glaze over

  6. I just don't read as much as I should--Seminary keeps me busy with scripture reading.

    One day I will get on good reads--when I do I'll let you know.

    I don't miss those days of living in California and dealing with EARTHQUAKES!!!

  7. I like some description but not too much. I'm like you though, when I tell stories. DH is like Paolini. Every little detail...

    I just started reading The Painted Veil. It's pretty good so far!

  8. I'm reading Paranoia right now. So far (about 150 pages in) it's really interesting. I am anxious to see what happens but not so absorbed that I can't put it down. THAT is a good book for parents...

    So. Authors: be interesting, but not SO interesting that I forget to feed my kids, please.

  9. I agree with you. I don't like it when things are over described. I'm not much into reading the fantasy stuff. I've been listening to the series "The great and terrible" It's intense but a great read or

  10. Ok, I just wanted to say that your song "In the sun they melted" by InsideOut is making me LOL big time.

  11. Ok, one more, I am currently reading a thiller, there's one character I don't care much about so when he talks I kinda skip him ;)

  12. My son wanted Brisingr when it was first released, so I bought it for him as a reward for good grades. He hasn't really gotten into it like he did with the first two...he STILL hasn't finished it!

    So glad the earthquake didn't give you trouble!

  13. Hey, I am on Goodreads! But I am not sure how to add you as a friend. I will look into that.

    By the way, I totally agree with you on getting overboard with descriptions. (Maybe you should avoid Tess!)

    Also, I thought of you the night of the earthquake. I felt it, Jim did not. And I thought of your mom getting her email and worrying about you. :)

  14. I just finished the "The Great and the Terrible" series and loved it. Hope you find a good one soon!

  15. Pragmatic is a very big word. I was super impressed when you used it. :)

    The last thing we all need is a book that is too dense to get through quickly, especially when a "reading mood" strikes. Here are a few titles I would recommend adding to your Goodreads list: A Thousand Splendid Suns and Water for Elephants.

    Happy reading!


  16. My sister-in-law invited me to GoodReads. I joined but honestly, I had nothing to contribute because I just don't have time to read. When I get into a book, everything else slides so I only allow myself the luxury when I'm on a trip!

  17. I didn't enjoy Brisingr till it got to page 604. For serious.

  18. i can't remember... did you read the twilight series? i just got done with the first book and liked it.

    in my opinion, the writer isn't a great writer but you might like it from the point that she doesn't spend a lot of time describing everything.

    my brother lives in san berno. he said it was a pretty good jolt.


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