Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's Back!
American Idol starts tonight! I'm looking forward to the new season. I really enjoyed it last year and felt like they found some pretty amazing talent. I'm sure we'll see the same thing this year...
Of course, there's always the people who think they can sing but can't. It always amazes me that these people get up there and say things like, "My family and friends all say I have a really amazing voice."
Really? They do?? You really need to think about finding new friends and maybe even a new family.... the ones you have now are apparently liars. Really big liars. And I think they might hate you... yes, they hate you enough to encourage you to go on national television and make a fool of yourself. May I suggest looking for new people to fill those spots in your life ASAP?
In the past, they have always given more camera time to the people of no talent rather than the ones that can actually carry a tune. I read an article the other day that said they aren't going to do that this year. Yes, we will still get to hear some of the people that make us want to cover our ears and cry out "Mercy! Please, have mercy! Make it stop!" But, that won't be the focus. They are going to show more of the the people who make us say "WOW!"
I know there are some people who are looking forward to the new format and others who are really disappointed that that element will be gone from the show.
If you watch AI, which group are you in? Do you enjoy watching the crazy antics of the tone deaf crowd? Or are you glad that the in-tune crew will get more of the spotlight?
Of course, the article may have just been hot air and tonight we will get to listen to Simon destroy the self esteem of many young hopefuls... only time will tell!


  1. I haven't watched in years. It's on like 6 nights a week! When am I going to watch Jack Bauer??!!?

  2. I think there needs to be a balance. They've made too much of the crappy singers in the past but they still have a place in the show so I hope they don't cut them out completely!

  3. I like a good balance because I'm evil and sometimes I enjoy a good laugh at others expense. MWAAAHAHAHHA! But I'd really like to see some behind the scenes stuff, like where do they stay and do they all get along? Who chooses their outfits and does their makeovers? You know, mundane stuff like that.

  4. I don't watch AI, I just don't like to watch people make fools of themselves. I also don't like to watch people get criticized--it's hard for me to watch Jillian and Bob get after the people on Biggest Loser ; )

    Enjoy the new season.

  5. I've got my DVR ready to go. We have watched Idol since the first show. I love it. The first shows are hard for me to watch because some of them are so bad. It's painful to watch. I hope you're right about less of them.

  6. Guess what Parker and I are watching this very moment. hee,hee

  7. I'm not an avid watcher, but do watch from time to time. I must admit my favorite part is the really bad singers.

    by the way, I like the new look! oh yeah- and we're headed your way next week. I try to call you tomorrow

  8. You crack me up! :D

    I don't watch often, but I'd rather see and hear more from the talented people.

    It's fun to come to your blog and see your fun new designs! :)

  9. I guess I enjoy watching both sides. Some people may think I am evil but I like it when the judges are openly honest. I hate it when they are trying to be nice and not hurt the person. It is a singing competition - so you should really be able to sing well to keep going. If you don't want to hear it than don't audition. I agree on the friends and family thing - man some of those people sound so horrible - I guess I get a laugh out of it.

  10. i think we get enough air time of the amazing singers... to the point where i'm tired of a.i. by the end of the season. i enjoy watching the first part of the process and all the terrible singers, so i'm going to miss that format.

    i missed it last night and will miss quite a bit of the beginning, so maybe i won't watch it this year.

  11. I love both elements, but in the past there has been too much cringing and not enough wow'ing. Glad to hear there'll be more of a balance.


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