Thursday, December 04, 2008

I never do pronounce that right. I always say it as "ME! ME!" because that's what the darn things are usually about... ME! I got this as an email, but thought I'd use it here on the blog for fun! Feel free to play along if you'd like...
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? For every other gift giving holiday we do bags. But for Christmas it HAS to be wrapping paper
2. Real tree or Artificial? Sniff... sniff... I don't want to talk about it. (if you missed my WHINE fest about going from real to artificial, you can read all about my sadness here... although, the fake tree is growing on me. Not that it can really grow, being fake and all, but whatever)
3. When do you put up the tree? As soon after Thanksgiving as possible
4. When do you take the tree down? Um... whenever I get around to it. Sometimes it's right after Christmas other times it's been the middle of January.
5. Do you like eggnog? No! And for the life of me, I can't figure out why others do!
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Hmm... I got a walkman one year and I carried that thing with me everywhere I went! Loved it :)
7. Hardest person to buy for? Hubby and Red. Hubby won't ever tell me what he would like and Red is getting to a stage where he doesn't want toys and everything he does want is EXPENSIVE!
8. Easiest person to buy for? Baby Girl - she wants everything!
9. Do you have a nativity scene? I think I have 4 full scenes and then 5+ with just Jesus or Joseph, Mary and Jesus
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? I'm sorry... did you say something? Sigh... I admit it. I'm the WORST Christmas card person in the world. I haven't sent any out for a long time...
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I can't really think of one...
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? ELF!! hee hee... love that movie!
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? I shop all year long and hide it away... which can be problematic when I go to find the gifts and can't remember where they are at.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? I don't think so
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Just one thing? Hmmm... well, there's fudge... and butter cookies... and cinnamon rolls... and candy canes... and chocolate carmel pretzels... and hot cocoa... and...
16. Lights on the tree? Yep!
17. Favorite Christmas song? I can't pick just one. It's an impossibility. My playlist is a pretty good indicator of what I like (although, this is the same playlist I have on our family blog and so some of the song selections were not mine ;))
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? I used to love to travel, but I'm becoming more of a homebody
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Yep
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Star
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? We each open a new pair of P.J.'s (as opposed to opening an OLD pair of P.J.'s) on Christmas Eve and everything else on Christmas morning
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? People complaining about the season. It just reminds me how far we've gotten from the true meaning of the holiday.
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? I have lots of favorite ornaments. When I was a kid my mom bought us a new ornament each year and tucked it away in a box. When I got married, she gave me the box plus all the ornaments that had been given to me over the years or that I had made. It was a great thing to have on our first Christmas as a couple! I'm doing the same thing for my kids and they love it!
24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Hubby usually makes Puerto Rican chicken and rice
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? Instructions on EXACTLY what I should be doing with my life. That's not too much to ask... is it?


  1. I LOVE eggnog! I just bought some yeterday!!

  2. Too cute Melissa :) It's great to read other people's ideas and favs :)

  3. I especially love your answer to number twenty-five. I want that too.

    With my luck I'll end up with the Spanish version or something...

  4. great answers. quite a few of my answers would be the same, especially that last one...

  5. Egg nog--YUM!!!

    I think girls are so much easier to buy for then boys.

    I love Elf.

    I loved your answers to #15--YOUR list sounds delicious.

  6. I have read of few of these lately. I might just have to do one myself. Maybe with a couple of "taushaism's" in there to spice it up a bit!!
    I agree on the gift. Let me know when fed-ex drops it off. I want a copy ASAP!

  7. PS_ I am such a slacker. I have just caught up on the posts. I have a couple of opinions. All of which, I am sure that you are dying to hear!
    the towells-sucky situation! So glad that you got the smell out. Although, it probably wouldn't have been so bad to have to go and buy new towells. (at least that would be great at my house)
    I had a mothball smell problem in 6's clothes-I read online to use lysol liquid 4-1 cleaner. Only had to wash 2wice on the sanitary cycle. I couldn't use bleach beacuse they were clothes.

    To help you on the pine-scent solution. Have you heard of scentsy? Maybe somebody already told you this. I didn't read the comments. Sorry. It is the greatest thing ever. They have all kinds of scents and they all make your house smell heavenly!! They are super cute and you can leave them on when you leave the house. no buring candle! YEA!!!!

  8. i think i did this ME!Me! last Christmas so i'll pass. it's a great one for the season, tho.

    i've done the same thing for my kids - they each have a box full of ornaments they've made or ones that have been given to them. i hadn't really thought about when i'd give it to them. as a wedding gift sounds nice.

  9. Great minds think alike ;o) I too can't figure out why anyone like Eggnog. Blech!! If you get an answer to #25 would tell me because I'm needing that as well.

  10. New PJ's as opposed to old PJ's...

    Hahahaha! :-D

    Well, aren't you just so nice that way! (hee hee)

    Seriously. Fun list. ;-)


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