Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Before we left for Idaho I did all the laundry. I was so pleased with myself because usually I leave it till we come home. Then I have laundry from the trip AND all the stuff I left here. This time I was on the ball... or so I thought.
Yesterday Baby Girl took a bath. When she was done she told me she wanted her elephant towel. A friend had made the towel when she was born. It has her name on it and a little elephant. So, I started to look for the towel.
Not in that bathroom. Not in my bathroom. Not in her room or the boys' room. Not in any of the cupboards or closets where I keep towels. I was starting to wonder if a towel eating monster came into my home while we were gone because I noticed that most of my towels were missing.
Then, I had a thought. A yucky, nasty, horrible thought. Could I have? No... no way. But I thought I'd check anyway... and yes. Yes I did. How could I have forgotten them?? I left a batch of towels in the WASHING MACHINE for a week and a half!
The edges on some of them were a tan-yellow color and the smell... blech! Totally over powering!
Unfortunately, the kids "special" towels, including Baby Girl's elephant one, were in there. I had to try and save them. I set the machine to super wash and put bleach and detergent in. Rinsed them twice. Then washed them again with Borax. They are now in the dryer. I haven't had the guts to go check and see if they are ruined forever or if they were salvageable... if you'll hold on for a moment, I'll go check.....
The look okay.
They smell okay.
The real test is getting one of the items wet ...
I got one of the dish rags wet and the verdict is....
Apparently the two washings with a plethora of cleaners did the trick.
Still can't believe I completely overlooked that last batch of laundry. You know, they say that a stegosaurus brain was the size of a walnut. I think I just might be a descendant.


  1. hehehe
    I hate it when I do that!!
    Yay for a great save with all the cleaning products!

    Extra mommy points for you!

  2. Oh, I've done that before--so glad everything was a-o.k.

  3. Oh no! That's horrible! We leave our towels in the washer for a day, and they reek!!

  4. Oh my. Have so done dozen times now. So glad they're okay!

    Love the new theme!

  5. Oh man. That could have been SO much worse!! Glad you saved them.

  6. I guess this week is just a bad laundry week for you and me!

  7. a week and a half is a long time. i've left stuff in for a couple of days and know that smell. i can only imagine what you had to deal with. glad you were able to save them. after all, elephant towels are irreplaceable =)

  8. LOL!!! You were brave to simply open the washer the first time! I hate smelly towels. And I hate that even though I get a batch into the dryer immediately, sometimes they have a smell when they get wet. What's up with that?

  9. Next time to get rid of the smell just put a cup of white vinigar in the rinse cycle and it will get rid of the smell and isn't exprnsive to use.

  10. Ewwww, isn't that just the worst smell ever. You're lucky you got it out. I've had to get rid of towels that I did that to. Good news for the elephant towel. Whew!

  11. Oooh! You are one lucky Momma!

    Way to go. ;-)


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