Monday, November 17, 2008

Monkey See, Monkey Do
While my parents were here we went to the San Diego Zoo as part of the birthday celebrations for Little Bug. It was a great trip, but our feet were sure sore by the time all was said and done. Little Bug loves the elephants (of course)
This is the look he gave me when I told him it was time to go.
See this cool looking otter?
It's not an otter! It's a monkey! It's called a swamp monkey and they like to swim under water. This one was teasing the real otters by pulling their tails and then running or swimming off.
I think this may be Red's long lost cousin...
And, of course, the three headed giraffe.
Oh come on! Doesn't it look like it has three heads? Right... moving on... Little Bug was pretty tired by the end and would lay down on anything he could find - including Grandma.
I'm so glad my parents come to visit us a couple of times during the year! We always look forward to their trips!


  1. I haven't been to the SD zoo in years! I grew up in Riverside, and we went once, for a filed trip.

  2. You guys are so fun!

  3. I used to love the San Diego Zoo, but I know what you mean about your feet being sore when you're done--IT IS HUGE!!!

    Great job on the 3 headed giraffe. LOL at the comment about Red's long lost cousin.

    I bet your parents LOVE visiting.

  4. i LOVED the cool. and 3 heads on the giraffe. how did you get them to do that?

  5. oh heck yeah that looks like a three headed giraffe

  6. I read. I loved. I had too little time to write an insightful or sweet comment and left you this ridiculous cut and paste thingy instead. Mwah!

  7. Those were great pictures, too. :-)

    Glad you had a good time. We always love going to the zoo. We like the elephants too, and the giraffes.

  8. A swamp monkey? Really?

    You made that up.

  9. I mean, a three-headed giraffe--that I can believe, but a swamp monkey?

  10. I LOVE these pictures! :D


  11. The zoo looks awesome. I've never seen a monkey swimming underwater and I didn't know they had a 3 headed

  12. great pictures. i especially like the three headed giraffe =)


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