Saturday, November 15, 2008

Belated Birthday
Little Bug's birthday was in October... another thing I didn't blog about. Sigh.
It was so fun to have my parents here for his birthday! They gave him a huge floor puzzle with zoo animals on it. He got lots of elephants for his birthday - they are his favorite animal. He had to open each gift and then take it over and examine it while sitting or laying down on our giant pillow (love that thing!).
He's not very fond of cake or cupcakes. So, cinnamon rolls were on the menu. He does love those!
It was a great day. He's such a sweet kid. We are so blessed to have him as part of our family!


  1. Not fond of cupcakes?!!? I guess cinnamon buns are OK too. Looks like a fun party!

  2. Little Bug is such a cutie. (That giant pillow is great)
    I'm glad your folks were there to celebrate with all of you.

  3. Happy Birthday a little late, Little Bug!!

  4. Yay! Cinnamon rolls!

    Happy late b-day, Mr. Bug!

  5. hmmm... i think i'm going to ask for cinnamon rolls for my next birthday. they're the best, after chocolate covered strawberries of course.

  6. Cinnamon rolls... yum!

  7. I'm glad he had a great day. I'm thinking cinnamon rolls sound delicious. Happy Birthday Little Bug.

  8. Happy Birthday to Little Bug. :-)

    It looks like a nice time.

    And those cinnamon rolls look divine.

  9. (I love the pretty fall look on your blog, BTW.) ;-)


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