Monday, September 01, 2008

The Sun'll Come Out TOMORROW
I can see the end. I have almost made it. Just one more day. Just one. It's so close... I can just about taste it. I know there are parents who dread this time of year, I'm not one of them. I rejoice and sing and do a happy dance. I don't dance very well, but it doesn't matter. Baby Girl will be the only one here to witness it because....
The constant fighting will mellow out now (right?). They will be content to play with their toys that they only get to see for a short time each day(I hope). Homework will keep them busy(this I KNOW). And I will have a semi-sense of peace.
I just have to make it through today... I think I can, I think I can...


  1. I know you can, I know you can ; )

  2. Haha... school starts tomorrow for my son too! Now to just make it through this "holiday..." :)

  3. Mine started back on August 20th and it was a happy day at our house! My husband took me out to breakfast to celebrate!!

  4. Yay! The sweet joy and sanity of having a schedule again!

    Me? I can't wait for the playgroups to start up again. Summer is a lonely time around here.

  5. I can only imagine how nice it would be to send my kids to school every day. Two more years. I can do it.

    Hooray for you. I hope your boys like their teachers this year.

  6. lol, you crack me up. but don't get me wrong... i totally understand how you're feeling. enjoy your day!

    perfect song to be playing =)

  7. Well, you should be good now! It's the 2nd of September. How has your day been so far? Blissful?

  8. So how did it go????

  9. You're so cute. ;-)

    I can just imagine you 'Happy Dancing.' (haha)

    Hope it was a good day sending them back today.


  10. were you wearing your cute socks during the happy dance that you probably did to the cute, catchy version of "Tomorrow"??? I want the video!


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