Thursday, August 28, 2008

I'd Like to Thank the Academy....
I've been given blogger awards before, but I've never been quite sure what to do with them. I can never pick and choose blogging buddies to pass them along to, so I don't usually post about it. (Sorry to all of you who have given me awards...) But, today I got an award and I know EXACTLY what to do with it!
You see, Wynne over at Muskadillo Dreaming gave me an award.
Literally (yes, I really do mean literally).
Today, in the mail, I got a frog of gold from the lovely Wynne!
She also blogged about this fantastic award (and about yours truly). Then she presented me with a button for my blog!
And I knew just what to do. As soon as Blogger is cooperating, I'll place the button in my sidebar. And the golden frog? I placed him on top of my computer! Now, each and every day I will have the opportunity to look at my trophy and remind myself, that yes, I do indeed, have a frog of gold!
Thanks again Wynne for the Good Mail package and the award. The kids haven't walked off with any of the cool stuff you sent, but it's only because I'm being stingy... I'll share with them... eventually.


  1. That is so cute. You so deserve that award because you do have a frog of gold ; )

  2. Ha ha ha! It's so cute & quirky, I LOVE IT! :) And thanks - now I've got another blog that I need to start reading. *sigh* ;-)

  3. Anonymous6:18 PM

    That is so cool to have an actual award to display! Congrats!

  4. Woo woo! It's so REAL!!
    Congratulations on the golden frog. (Not something I say really a lot!)

  5. How fun! Congratulations!

  6. oh, i like him. i collect frogs and have a lot of cute little ones but haven't seen anything quite like him.

    congrats on the award. you are so deserving of it. have a great weekend.

    *looks paranoid-edly behind her*
    Where? What academy? I'm frightened...

  8. cool beans! is it really weird for me to have gold-frog envy? because i think i'm coming on with a rapid case of it...

  9. That Wynne is such a hoot! And you deserve the award for certain!

  10. Well deserved award for sure. You are awesome!

  11. That is just completely AWESOME! I love the real frog of gold AND the button for your blog! :D

  12. Now, that is an award I could wrap my heart...errr...frog around!!

  13. That is so cool. And I am very jealous. Now I want a frog of gold.....


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