Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Burden
Do you have any idea how hard it is to be right all the time? ;)
We went into the Urgent Care and Little Bug did great at the beginning. Then when we went in the back, he freaked out. But not as bad as he has in the past... so that was good. I was smart this time and packed a bag full of books, games, and most importantly: food. Plus, I bribed everyone with "eating out" if they all behaved. I don't know that they all behaved well enough for the dinner, but heaven knows that I DID! So we're going out anyway!
The Dr. came in, moved Red's arm around and said, "There is no swelling or discoloration. He doesn't seem to be in a lot of pain. There is nothing that suggests a major injury..." and then I interrupted him. I know. Totally rude, but he was already backing towards the door. I knew he was going to say to keep ice on it, give him Advil or Tylenol, and if it still hurt in a few days, bring him back in, and then he'd take off. So, I stopped him. I told him about the other break. He reiterated his previous thoughts and was a little patronizing as he told me how painful a break in the hand or wrist is. I insisted that I understood what he was saying, but that I still felt there was something really wrong. I pushed. He pushed back. I gave a mama bear growl. He backed down, but I could tell he was humoring me.
Off Red went to get x-rays. They brought him back and a few minutes later a VERY humble Dr. came back. "I'm so glad you pressed for the x-rays. You were right. His radius is broken right near the wrist. You will need to see an orthopedic surgeon to have it casted." Wait... what?
Apparently since the fracture is so close to the wrist, they need to make sure that the angle of the arm is just right before they put the cast on or it will mess with his wrist. Fun. So, tomorrow at 2:00 we head off for the rest of our adventure!
Thank you guys for all your well wishes and your prayers and hugs! It really means a lot to me!


  1. Poor Red!! Our prayers are with you! Tell him to eat a bowl of ice cream & watch movies! That always makes ya feel better!! Let us know how it goes tomorrow!!

  2. I'm so glad you know what you're talking about! I hope his wrist heals quick! That's a tough bone to break...

  3. So proud of you for pushing for the x-rays - you are a rockingly awesome mom for not bowing down to authority! Woot! Go Melissa go!

  4. You have a tough little guy there, and he has a very smart mom.

  5. doesn't that just drive you crazy. doctors who should know better than you but take the 'wait and see' approach. i guess they make more money that way.

    hope things go well tomorrow. will you have to take the other two kids with you? and where did you go out to eat? =)

  6. you know, I am pretty sure that most Dr's think us moms are stupid. Just being overprotective and such! Way to hold your ground-bet he was red in the face! Aweseome!
    Hope that he is doing a little better! Can only imagine how much a broken wrist hurts!You my dear, win the award for the "best mom ever" so not kidding-you inspire!

  7. I'd like to hear your mamma-bear growl! lol! SO glad to hear that you stuck to your guns on this. Will keep up on the prayers for y'all!

  8. Anonymous8:22 PM

    I'm so glad you didn't back down. I know first hand that doctors can make very horrible mistakes, whether they think that's possible or not.

  9. When Carter broke his arm earlier this year, they waited to cast it, too. He had to have surgery, so it would have taken longer anyway, but I was surprised that they didn't cast it faster.

    Glad you were able to get those X-rays. :)

  10. Good for you, pushing for the x rays!
    Doctors need to realize that moms know their kids the best, and should take us a little more seriously.

    Does he just have an incredibly high tolerance for pain?

    Hope things go well for him tomorrow.

  11. Dangit. I am sorry Baby Girl had to miss story time... I am sorry Little Bug has to endure another doctors office and I am sorry Red broke his wrist. I am happy you are such a good momma who trusted her instincts. And the momma bear growl always helps!! Love ya

  12. OH!!! I feel so bad for Red! It was NOT fun when I broke my wrist...ouch! :(

  13. I've broken my wrist twice--it is extremely painful.

    Great job on not backing down--love the mama bear growl. Good for you.

    Hope tomorrow goes well.

  14. The mama bear wins again!
    It's sometimes hard to stand up to "experts", and yet we forget that WE are the experts on our own children!
    Good for you!!!!

  15. Derek still regrets the last break! We were actually just talking about it the other day. I'm glad you pressed the doctor. Trust the mom's intuition!

  16. good for you for following your gut instinct. I told Brayden Red broke his arm and he immediately said,"mommy, we need to pray. Heavenly Father will fix his arm." What a great response. So he's been included in every prayer since yesterday evening. Hope it all works out okay.

  17. Good for Mama Bear! We can't ever back down.

  18. Anonymous7:03 PM

    It's a good thing that you went with your instincts. I've really learned through experience that not all doctors know what they're talking about. Hope Little Bug heals quickly.

  19. I've actually been reading all your posts in my reader, and just not making time for comments.

    I'm glad everything is turning out okay (as much as can be) with his arm. And I am sooooo proud of you for holding your ground with that punk doctor!! (can I say that here??)

    You're doing an awesome job, and I really admire you. ;-)

  20. Good for you! I am so glad you stood up for yourself.
    My daughter broke her arm in the same place a few years ago. Not a great place for a break. Quite a common one though. I hope things went well with the Doctor.


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