Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Baby Girl and I went to the library this morning for story time. The theme has been "Dino Island" and she has loved every minute of it! It's been great for me too because I get to chat with ADULTS!! WOOHOO!! Gotta love that!
Anyway, today the kids were in the middle of a game when my cell phone rang. It was the elementary school where Red is at. He had fallen and hurt his hand. The nurse didn't seem to think it was broken, but I wasn't so sure. So, I pulled a tearful Baby Girl out of story time and went to the school. If Red was in enough pain to tell someone about it, well, that's not a good sign.
You see, when we lived in Oregon, he fell off a toy at school. The nurse bent his arm this way and that. She took a tuning fork, hit it on the counter, and then placed it on his elbow. The vibration hurts if the arm is broken. He didn't even flinch. It didn't swell. It didn't discolor. We took him to the doctor anyway. I really didn't think it was broken, but wanted to be sure. The doctor had Red put his arm above his head, twist, turn, and bend in every way possible. Red had a little trouble, but it was more like he was really stiff. Our doctor said he'd probably pulled a muscle and didn't feel that we needed x-rays.
So, off we went. Red went back to school, played in his soccer game that weekend, and basically went on with life as usual. He kept saying it ached a little, but that was about it. But one day I noticed a weird bump on his arm. When I pushed on it he would cry out in pain, but other than that he could move his arm the same as always. We took him back in and it was BROKEN! He had wandered around for a week, played soccer, done everything with a broken arm! We were all stunned and he just kept saying, "It didn't hurt that bad."
Fast forward to today. He keeps saying that it doesn't hurt that bad, but, when I touch a spot near his wrist, he just about climbs out of his skin. We have to wait for Little Bug to get home from school and then we'll head to Urgent Care. That way we can get him looked at and x-rayed all in one spot. I'll update y'all later... the thing I'm most worried about? Little Bug. He DOES NOT do well in doctor's offices. He screams and cries even if the visit is not for him... not sure how this will all go down... being a mom is so much fun... don't you think? Wish me luck - I'm gonna need it!


  1. *Luck*

    Hope it all goes well at the dr. office.

  2. Oh no! Hope he's OK.

  3. I'll even go so far as to wish you great luck! Fingers crossed!

  4. I hope everyone does okay at the Dr's office!

  5. Poor little arm - hope everything goes well at the office for you.

  6. Oh man! Luck, luck, luck!!!

  7. Wish I were closer to help you! Paula

  8. Oh I hope he is o.k.

  9. I hope he's ok, too. Everyone should get an icecream cone after the visit. Make yours a large!

  10. I don't know that luck will have anything to do with it... I'll be sending out lots of prayers & happy thoughts. Please keep us posted!!! (((HUGS)))

  11. Such a hard day...I'm sorry! :(


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