Wednesday, July 16, 2008

So, I didn't get those bags done. :( I have felt really cruddy since Sunday. Yesterday I was feeling better but I had weird headaches all day long. What is a weird headache, you ask? Well, I'll tell you.
A weird headache is one that comes and goes as it pleases. It has a will of it's own. This particular headache seems to enjoy starting at the base of my neck, on the right side, and wrapping over the top of my head into my forehead. But it remains completely on the right side. Then, when it feels like it, it switches sides. And suddenly, it is doing the same thing on the left side of my head. It's rather entertaining, really, to try and figure out what it will do next.
For the moment, I am headache free, and I'm hoping to remain that way throughout the day. I can feel tiny twinges in my head, but nothing too crazy. Perhaps my headache has multiplied and replenished my brain with little tiny aches here and there!
I'm not sure if I'll be on the computer much though... I'm going to rest and take it easy for the next couple of days. I don't know what in the world my problem has been! I don't have the nausea any more, but now my sinuses are full. Whatever this illness is, it's giving me a total body workout!


  1. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Yeowch! Sounds like a migraine... or else a rebound headache - which are worse than migraines, if you can believe it. Rebound headaches are typically because of being od'd on meds taken to get rid of the headache in the first place. Go figure.

    Anyway - hope you get feeling better soon! If it doesn't clear up, please see a doctor!

  2. Sorry--doesn't sound like fun AT ALL!!!

    Get some rest.

  3. I'm so sorry. :(

    Hope you get feeling better very soon!

    I hate headaches.

  4. Sounds more like an entity with a mind of it's own than just a headache. Weird!

  5. Sounds like time to see the chiropractor and have your neck adjusted. Ouchie!

  6. Hope you feel better soon!

  7. that does sound like a weird headache. i hate headaches. thankfully i don't get them often.

    hope you start feeling better.

  8. Hopefully it's not contagious! I don't know what I would do if I couldn't be on the computer! :0 J/k ...hope you feel better!

  9. you probably have a seed in your ear

  10. Anonymous10:20 PM

    You poor thing! Hopefully it will go away soon. If not, maybe you should see a doctor. :-(

  11. More Scrabulous. That's what you need. Should I send you some chocolate too???

  12. That sounds terrible. I do hope you feel better soon.

  13. I got sunburned all over my face today.

    Headache, nausea, and total irritability has followed.

    Hope you feel better!

  14. I am so sorry you are sick! That is so stinky.
    Sometimes low atmospherc pressure can cause headaches. With full sinuses it just compounds the problem.

  15. I have a totally random idea. I have a dr. who told me my headaches were from low electolytes. He told me to eat salt or a banana. It got rid of it really fast! Not kidding. If your headaches aren't from some bug, maybe that will help. Hope your headache and sickness will go away! Good luck!

  16. I'm sorry...sickies are very sad things. :(


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