Monday, July 14, 2008

I really don't have much to say... I feel like crud again today. Head aches on and off all day long. Nausea again. Perhaps I'm getting a summertime flu... blech.
I'm liking the new, new look. It feels a little more summery. As I was going through all my digital scrap booking stuff, I found a lot of papers for fall and I was so excited! I love the fall colors... then, I remembered: we don't get autumn here.
They call it "fall weather", but the rest of the world would call it "summer". It's still green. It's still nice. There are no cool, crisp days. And then it hit me - I really miss the seasons. I am not a winter fan, but I do love spring and fall.
I guess I'll enjoy the seasons vicariously through my blog. And so, come September, you can expect some fun autumn looks. And now, I'm dizzy. I'm going to go lay back down.


  1. Anonymous5:04 PM

    I like it too! (The template!)

    I hope you get feeling better soon. It's not fun being sick when it's so nice out!

  2. Awww...hope the yeurghiness passes soon. Luuuurve the new look!

  3. I always love the changes on your blog--it's so fun.

    Sorry you're not feeling well--hope it won't last long.

  4. Hope you feel better! I like the new look too!

  5. Anonymous6:34 AM

    The new look is waaaaay cute!

    Get better soon. :)

  6. I really like this new design, too. Of course, you know me - I think they're all cute!

    Hope you're feeling better soon.

    I'm a Autumn kind of girl, too.

  7. Bless your heart! I 'm WAY WAY Grateful that I don't get sick ever.

  8. I love the flowers! They're perfect for the summer.

    So sorry you're sick though. (waaa)

  9. I've never come across anyone else who changes their template so often [nor so creatively!]

  10. Hope you feel better soon. Amen on the "lack of fall"... I miss it terribly where I live. For us, Fall comes when it's cool enough to open the windows at night. In just a few weeks, my theme song is going to be "Wake Me Up When September Ends".

  11. I don't think I would survive without my seasons. SERIOUSLY. And to live in a place with year-round summer? I don't think my husband could stand all my whining.

    Now go. FEEL BETTER!

  12. Sorry you're not feeling well! That sucks! I hope you get feeling better soon!
    I like the look of your blog! It's very YOU!!

  13. maybe you're pregnant! =/
    hope you feel better soon.

  14. Anonymous1:27 AM

    We don't really have seasons here, too. It's just usually hot all year long and during the summer it gets really hot! LOL!

    Hope you're feeling better soon!

  15. Hmm Wednesday - still unwell, or a blogging haze - is there any difference I wonder?

  16. I'm so behind in my blog reading that I hope by now you are feeling much better and the offer is still on the table to head North.


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