Saturday, July 26, 2008

We've lived in this valley for almost two years. There are a lot of things I still don't know. A lot of places I've never been. A lot of places I don't EVER want to go. But today I decided to drag my family out to one of the places we have wanted to go, but we've just never gotten around to it.
The Public Library.
That's right. In the last 2 years we have not stepped foot inside a public library. Little Bug has a really hard time going in. He cried as we walked in. He whimpered as we looked at books. He screamed when I gave the lady the books to check out. For some reason, he is not a big library fan.
But I had forgotten how much I love them! You see, for the last few years we have purchased a lot of books. Mostly online. Ebay is an excellent source. We also have a Barnes and Noble membership which gives us all kinds of discounts. We have a pretty decent library here in our home and I don't mind reading good books over and over. But sometimes I get bored. And we don't always have the money to get new books. I've borrowed a few books here and there from friends, but I'm a pretty avid reader! I go through books rather quickly. And going to the library today was like being reacquainted with an old friend. A friend that terrifies my middle child, but a friend none-the-less.
And so, I'm off. It's reading time. I was only allowed to take out two books today. I'll probably have them done by Monday. As soon as I take these two back, I'll be allowed to check out 30 books at a time.
30. That thought? Well, it makes me smile just a bit!


  1. When Haddie was little, we went to storytime every week. But Bode will have nothing to do with it and spends the time dismantling all the books. And so we're not library goers these days, either. Though come to think of it, I do have a few books that are past due....

  2. I love the library. We usually go about once a week. At our city library the children's moves are free so we get those quite often. Boogers also LOVES the library and devours books.

  3. I don't go to the Library very often--thanks for the reminder that I should go ; ) (Much cheaper than going and buying those books)

    Sorry Little Bug has a tough time when you go--maybe it will get easier for him.

  4. I took the kids to the library for the first time a few weeks ago... I thought it might be time.

  5. If I lived by you, I would be your friend. Does that help? I am sure that people will be banging down your door. Just tell them that you are having yummy treats when they come over. They will come for the food and stay because of the company. I'm sure of it!!

  6. Libraries and secondhand books make me smile too!! See how easy we are to please.

  7. We love our library. In fact, I now have a very difficult time buying books for myself (even on

    If your library has an online feature, use it! I check my goodreads list and then go to the library online site and request whatever I want. I get a notification that they're ready and I simply pick them up off the reserved shelf. No more looking, especially if I have the boys with me. It's awesome.

  8. I love libraries, mine, the university, the public...
    Sometimes, when I am deep in the stacks, I catch just a whiff of the library we frequented when I was a child.
    I heard once that our memory is based in our sense of smell; I don't know about that, but the scent of old books and card catalogs makes me giddy ;)

  9. I like the library too, but w/ kids i could never find anything for me...Then I discovered reserving books online! I just walked in and picked up the stack they had retrieved for me. Hooray for modern convenience!

  10. I've been avoiding our library and buying books instead but it's getting expensive and I've ended up owning some books I wouldn't have bought if I'd read them first. Time to reacquaint myself too!

  11. I couldn't live without the library. Here we have interlibrary loans which means you can request any book and they'll get ifrom another library. So I browse B&N website then order the books I want--awesome


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