Tuesday, July 29, 2008

And the Race is ON!
I got an email from my totally amazing Mom this morning (hi Mom!). The family is in the midst of a de-junking war and was wondering if we would like to participate. The losers buy the winners movie tickets. And if my kids win, as a group, my mom will by them a movie. So, the question at hand was: are we, as a family unit, willing to put our money where our mouth is? My answer? BRING IT ON!
I'm pretty sure we've got enough junk to sustain 3-4 other families, besides our own. And so, for the next few days, I will be sorting, stacking, and tossing as much stuff as I possibly can. And the kids? They are ready! Baby Girl has already gone through all her clothes and gotten rid of two bags full of stuff.
It's sad, really. She had TWO BAGS of stuff to get rid of! And she has tons of clothes left! The only thing she's lacking right now are long sleeved shirts. And, um, yeah. It's supposed to be a balmy 108 today. So, we'll wait to get more warm stuff till we visit Idaho. We ALWAYS need warm clothes when we go there :)
And so, I will be absent from the blogosphere this week. I'm taking this challenge very seriously. Part of the reward, if we win, is a free babysitter the next time my parents come to visit. Which, they usually do anyway, but this time they'd be paying for the date too! Do you know how long it's been since I've seen a movie that doesn't have talking animals? or spontaneous bursting into song? or actual people on the screen? I haven't seen a "grown-up" movie in the theatre since... um... well, now, let me think... I guess it would have been National Treasure 2. Yeah. And the movie before that? Well, that's just asking too much from my fragile brain. Sorry.
The gauntlet has been thrown down. The challenge issued. Am I up for this task? OH YEAH!
(note - yes, I did watch part of American Gladiators last night... so?)


  1. I would love to hear the rules. How are the winners determined?? Sounds great for motivation and you won't have to clean up the party mess after! I need this contest in my neck of the woods!

  2. That is such a great "challenge". Good luck. I hope you win.

    I don't watch American Gladiators???

  3. What a fantastic idea - when it's all said and done (or when you need a break) post the rules for us. Both sides of our family could benefit from a contest like this one!!!! :) Good luck!

  4. Good luck! I know you can do it!

  5. Crazy.... I wanna do that too. BUT where to start?

  6. Good luck! I love dejunking!

  7. this is so awesome. I need to take this challenge.

  8. Ohh, I wish I was there to help you! Throwing things away is one of my favorite things to do. If it gets left on the floor, it's trash. If you leave it where it doesn't belong, it goes to the garbage! Anal you ask? Maybe a little. I LOVE to organize!

  9. Great challenge. Good luck!

  10. I've been decluttering for two weeks now! So far? 15 bags of crap gone or donated. YEAH!


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