Monday, July 07, 2008

The Early Bird
I think everyone knows the old adage "The early bird catches the worm". I think we all understand the meaning - if you rise first thing in the morning, you get a jump start on your day and are able to get things done that others might not. This is probably true... most of the time.
Baby Girl is the early bird in our home. The very early bird in my opinion. 5:30-6:00 isn't uncommon for her. Me? I'm a night owl. I prefer to sleep till 7-7:30 and even later if I can possibly swing it. But, on nights where I haven't slept well (like last night), I need a few extra minutes.
So, what happens when the early bird and the night owl come into contact? Feathers fly!
If I keep Baby Girl up too late she gets grouchy. She is miserable and can't wait to get to bed. If she wakes me up too early in the morning, I grumble and groan and tell her to go play. Not my proudest moments, but it happens. There has to be a way for our sleep habits to co-exist. But for the life of me, I can't seem to figure out how.
If she were in school, I'd nap during that time. But she's not. And she is a firm believer in everyone being awake when she is. I tried to take a nap yesterday and she came in, sat on the bed and then proceeded to poke and pinch me till I got up.
I can't put her to bed at a later time because it doesn't seem to have any effect on her sleep. If she's in bed at 7:30, she's up at 6:00. If she's in bed at 9:30, she's up at 6:00 and then she's a tad on the whiny/dramatic side.
I suppose the only thing left is for me to become an early bird. Ack!! But how? My body shudders at the very thought! How does one reverse 31 years of enjoying the evenings and then sleeping in? There has to be another solution... possibly one that involves duct taping Baby Girl to her bed each night...


  1. Hee hee... duct tape. :-D I could probably come up with some creative parenting solutions with duct tape...

    I'm sorry I can't help here. I'm afraid all our children are morning people, and though I dearly would love to become a non-night but also non-morning person (neutral?), I am also a morning person. So it works out fairly well around here.

    There are some days when I would love to sleep in, but it just doesn't happen. And naps just take away from a full night's sleep for me, so I tend not to nap unless under dire circumstances.

    Good luck, though! I hope you're able to get all the sleep you need. ;-) And that the clashes aren't too drastic.

  2. We've loosly made 7:00 the time to wake up. If it's before that I don't have to get out of bed. haha

    Stick in a movie and go back to bed...okay I'm joking...but maybe not.

  3. oh, i hear ya. i'm most definitely a night owl.

    i know i was before i had kids, but i went to bed earlier probably out of necessity when they were younger. as they've grown up, my bed time has gotten later and later.

    so... maybe you'll have to adjust a little now but you'll be able to go back to being a night owl.

  4. Don't you just love it when your children are different sleep schedules.
    this is the reason why the cereal shelf got moved a shelf they could reach.
    Yea,I might wake up to 3 on the floor with cereal box in her hand.
    Yes-I am the mother of the year. Oh well, at least they eat something right?

  5. Don't you just love it when your children are different sleep schedules.
    this is the reason why the cereal shelf got moved a shelf they could reach.
    Yea,I might wake up to 3 on the floor with cereal box in her hand.
    Yes-I am the mother of the year. Oh well, at least they eat something right?

  6. Well for heaven's sake, if she's getting up at 6 no matter what, put her to bed as early as possible!

    At least you can sorta have an early evening to yourself, right?

  7. We have the same problem round here, and my girl gets up at 7am. Neil gets up with her some mornings and I get up with her the others. I want to be an early bird too, but I haven't quite got the hang of it yet!

  8. I agree - there's not much a slap of duct tape can't fix!

    PS - I'm an early bird - it's not so bad.


  9. My early bird days started the day after I got married... My husband is psychotic for waking up early!

  10. I had three kids with three different circadian rhythms. And they don't care about your sleep, the selfish buggers

    Then the three kids went to three different schools with three different bus times. And the school district doesn't care about your sleep, the selfish buggers.

  11. my kids are the same. i think i will institute the can't leave your bedroom...or enter mine till 6:30 rule. we'll see how it goes. good luck!

  12. Lean is just like that. so this summer we've let her stay up later--at first she woke up early and cranky but now she's sleeping later and fine. do it kinda gradually I think

  13. I'm in the same boat as you... my solution isn't great, but I will turn on the TV in my room, turn the volume down low and let them veg out in front of the tube while I catch another 30-60 minutes of sleep. Not ideal, but at least everyone is happy, right?

  14. Anonymous1:36 AM

    It looks like you may have to change your sleep patterns until she goes to school. I used to need 10 hours of sleep a night but now I'm down to 6. If I can do it, I know you can, too! Good luck!

    An Island Life

  15. Duct tape sounds great! ;)

    I am a night owl AND an early bird! I love sleep, but I'd rather be awake blogging...I mean getting stuff done. No wonder there are big circles under my eyes! ;)

    If I take a Sunday nap, my 13 year old son wakes me up every little while just to show me stuff...grumble, grumble! :S

  16. Well, as you are aware, I would encourage the duct tape method.

    And if you figure this one out, let me know, 'cause I'm in the same predicament. Except Jake doesn't get up at 5:30 because we WON'T LET HIM. (I tell him "nap now or later?" and he chooses. Not that he naps later, but he has to lie still on his bed for an hour.) 6:30 is the norm. And sometimes, I turn on cartoons for him and go back to sleep on the couch.

    Soooo haven't figured this one out yet...

  17. You and I are night owl sisters. My children happen to be exactly like your daughter. I feel your pain!
    My grandmother used to tie her twin boys to their beds with socks. You could try that.

  18. You and I are night owl sisters. My children happen to be exactly like your daughter. I feel your pain!
    My grandmother used to tie her twin boys to their beds with socks. You could try that.

  19. Sorry it's me again, The times I have stayed in bed, against my better judgement, I have paid dearly.


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