Friday, July 11, 2008

"But it's a dry heat..."
Yeah. That's what people told us when we were looking at moving to this lovely Southern California desert. "It gets REALLY HOT, but it's a dry heat, so it's not so bad...". They obviously haven't ever been here during the Monsoons. Yeah. We get humidity starting in July and going through September. So, not only is it 110 degrees outside, it's sticky, nasty, horridly humid. If you step outside, it's like being instantly wrapped in saran wrap. All of your clothing adheres to your skin and it's not a pretty site. Not at all.
Last night we had a pretty crazy thunderstorm with tornado warnings just up the valley. TORNADO WARNINGS! I live in Southern California. I live with the constant thought of "I wonder if there will be an earthquake/out of control wild fire today?" And now I get to add TORNADO to my list of natural disaster possibilities.
Ah... it's good to be a Californian.


  1. Gotta love the humid end of the summer here. It's been really muggy here too except it doesn't get near as hot. Heat is heat...

  2. I love the new layout! (ok so maybe it's not so new, but I have been gone for a while!) Crazy that you had tornado warnings! I hate humid heat, I feel for ya, summer is not my favorite season, at all!

  3. I don't understand the appeal myself!

  4. Oh, man! I don't envy you that heat. I'm having a hard enough time with the Summer's weather here in drab little Utah!

    Hang in there. :-S

  5. AMEN my sister, AMEN! I got the same story when I moved to Phoenix... I didn't even know what Monsoon was until it was too late!

  6. i lived in california most of my life and i don't ever remember having tornado warnings. crazy!

    and speaking of crazy... i think you're crazy for living in the southern california desert =)

    have a great weekend.

  7. Wow--a tornado warning!!!

    LOL at the comment about the dry heat we get the same thing about the cold during the winter. "Oh, it's 40 below, but it's a dry cold" Dry or not--IT'S STILL COLD!!!!

    At least with the hum-dity you don't have to iron ; ) Sorry, gotta look for the silver lining.

  8. Sounds like time to move to Colorado. Hey! The house across the street is for sale!

  9. Anonymous1:38 PM

    AND the house next to me is for sale too! It's only 80 here... :o)

  10. And it was only 92 in Tri-cities today... we all know you are dying to come back!!

  11. Our heat and humidity is like yours...minus the disasters! :0


  12. That's what pools are for. So you can go swimming in a thunderstorm! Talk about excitement!

    So what desert are you in, anyway? I grew up in the Mojave desert--my favorite part about the summers were the fantastic thunderstorms (which more often than not sparked up those wonderful wildfires which no doubt you smell in the air every night...).

  13. Come up North, we'll take you.


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