Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Randomly Random
And now it's time for another random post. (a.k.a. - I can't think of anything to blog about)
  • I'm tired. And I'm completely ready to kill the neighbors dogs. Is it really possible for a human being to not hear an animal go crazy for over an hour in the middle of the night? I understand wanting to have a dog around to alert you to danger... but, if they bark, and you don't respond... then what's the point??
  • Little Bug is struggling. Lots of stimming. Lots of frustration on his part and on mine. He goes back to school today and I'm hoping that will help... maybe...
  • I'm going to Idaho! We had cancelled our trip, but now it's back on! It's going to be crazy though... I will go for about a week, then the day after I get home, part of Hubby's family will come to visit! So, I not only have to get ready for my trip, but I have to get my house ready for visitors after my trip! I won't be in blog land very much in the next little while.
  • Your lunch ideas have inspired me. I'm excited to try a few of them out and see if I can come up with a few things on my own - thanks again!
  • I went shopping on Saturday for sunglasses and ended up buying lots more than that. Two pairs of sunglasses, 3 shirts and a pair of capri's! Everything was on a really good sale, but still! Kohl's will be the end of me and my budget. AND on top of my wonderful shopping trip, I got home and Hubby had cleaned the kitchen and done several loads of laundry! When I say, "done" that's exactly what I mean. Washed. Dried. Folded. And put away. I love that man!
  • I'm trying to think of activities for the kids to do indoors. It's going to be hot all summer (welcome to the desert) and I am trying to figure out ways to keep them from getting bored and pestering me all day. Any thoughts?
  • Yesterday I killed 3 black widow spiders and two other brown spiders with racing stripes down their backs. Just thought you'd like to know.
  • My master bedroom is a mess. I'm going to haul a dumpster in here and just throw everything away. It will be easier that way than trying to go through everything.

I think that's about it from here! This post was brought to you today by the letter "Q" and the number "11".


  1. I love random posts like this--because isn't that life?!?

    I'm glad you have a trip to Idaho--sounds like great fun. Just remember visitors don't come with white gloves and a magnifying glass to inspect, they come to visit.

  2. you have to squirt the dog with the hose or a big water gun and yell hush. I promise this woks and if the neighbors can't hear the barking they wont hear that either.

    Can we change it to the letter L? I don't like Q very much.

  3. Does this mean you're coming to Oregon??
    And I think there's some sort of device you can buy that will make a high pitched sound whenever the dog barks. Only dogs hear it and they hate it. It teaches them not to bark. It would be money well spent. Of course, there's always antifreeze. OOPS! Did I just say that out loud?

  4. FUn things to do inside? Check out my list on my site. My kids thought of some good ones.

    My brain hurts right now...

  5. My kids just discovered all my old (and unused) scrapbooking stuff. They've been having a blast tracing my letter templates, craft scissors, paper punches, etc. I'm going to have to plant a forest, though to make up for all the paper we're going through!

  6. random posts are the best. I'm glad you are going to Idaho! Ohhh, I hate spiders!

  7. Send the pesky dog Randi's memo...wait, Can he read???

  8. We have lived by people with dogs like that and it can so frustrating. How can you not hear that?

    I too have often felt like that about my closet...as a matter of a fact, I could totally do that now.

  9. Anonymous12:06 AM

    I love Kohls! I wish we had one here. You're so brave to kill those spiders. I wouldn't be able to get close enough to do any damage.

  10. I'm so happy for you that you had such a great shopping trip...and Hubby did all that housework! YAY!

    I killed a nasty scorpion this week...after (I believe) it attacked me! :0

  11. sorry to hear about little bug. what is "stimming?" hope getting back to school helps you all.

    i hear you on the master bedroom thing. mine has always been bad but when we had company come for jake's graduations, everything got thrown into my room. and now i have no motivation to clean it up. but it's starting to bug me so i think i'm going to start working on it.

    have a great trip. will miss you.

  12. It only took 3 months of living in the desert for me to decide that $30 a month for pest control was an EXCELLENT investment! Before that we had crickets coming out of our ears and black widows EVERYWHERE. And after 3 years, I still haven't seen a scorpion... keeping my fingers crossed on that one. My life will be over if I ever see one in my yard or heaven forbid, my house!

  13. About the spiders,I could send my snakes to your house. That is what they are good for eating spiders.
    Sounds like you are having a fun summer. Ya right! I hope you have fun on your trip.


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