Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Inhale, Exhale....
I'm trying to get laundry done so that we will have clean clothes to wear on our trip. I figure that if we go in our dirty clothes, no one will want us to be around. So, clean clothes it is! Anyway, this morning I asked the kids to gather up all their dirty clothes and bring them to the washing machine. Baby Girl just ignored me and Red said, "What clothes?"
Me: "Your dirty clothes."
Red: "Why?"
Me: "Because I don't usually wash the clean ones..."
Red: "Wash what clean ones?"
Me: "Your clean clothes. I don't wash clean clothes. Bring me the dirty clothes from your room!"
Red: "Why?"
Me (getting a tad exasperated): "So that I can wash them!"
Red: "Which clothes do you want?"
And then, I snapped...
And he scurried off, brought me his hamper and said...
"Did you mean these clothes?"
Sigh... It's gonna be a LONG DAY!


  1. HA HA HA HA HA, seriously LOVE conversations like this.

  2. Anonymous9:43 AM


    I guess I shouldn't snicker too hard because that's what goes on in my house ALL THE TIME!


    Enjoy the day, my dear! Enjoy the day!

  3. Sheesh! Apparently he's not familiar with that question. Maybe you could make it HIS job to collect dirty clothes from now on. Then he'll have to ask the question to YOU!
    LOL. Funny boy!

  4. I love their selective hearing and remembering. Drives me nuts at our house too.

  5. But just think of the fun trip that is waiting for you ; )
    It will all be worth it.

  6. I would've been so tempted to upend him into the laundry hamper!

  7. Oh my! I thought only my three year old talked like that. You mean it doesn't stop?? LOL

  8. Oh Lordy, child. I'm about ready to shake him FOR You!! :)

  9. I feel your pain! May be he needs a hearing aide. Possibly some q-tips.
    I shake my head in wonderment when my kids & I have these sort of conversations.
    Sheesh, just go and do!

  10. hee,hee Ain't it great to be the Mom?

  11. LOL! That's a good policy; don't wash clean clothes. LOL.

  12. lol. what is up with kids. my favorite is when my son asks where a certain item for clothing is. i tell him i don't know because i've done the laundry and it's not there, which means it wasn't in your hamper. you want to know where said item usually is found?! in his car!! i call his car his second hamper.

    ok... now i'm just venting, but i'm in the middle of piles of laundry, too. and why? because no one did their own while i was in california for a week.

    good luck with yours =)

  13. oh yeah long....

    I'm hungry I'm bored
    maybe I can use Red's technique:
    I'm bored--what do you mean bored? Where were you bored? why are y bored, oh yes now go do laundry--

    hey it might work

  14. Conversations like that always remind me off Bill Cosby's comedy routine "Himself" where he talks about children having brain damage. If you haven't see it, you have to find it and listen to it. It's a classic.

  15. Red sounds like someone I know! ;)

  16. Sheesh. I have conversations like this every day, and I have to wonder...why? Why, why, why? Why must there be QUESTIONS for everything? Why can't some things just be accepted, and the kid moves on to...oh, just obedience?



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