Thursday, June 12, 2008

Last Days
Today is Little Bug's last day of school and I'm sad. Not because he'll be out of school making me crazy (he starts school again on Tuesday), but because of the people he'll be leaving. The way the special ed program is set up here is different. Each school in the district is home for two grades in special ed. The school he was at the last two years has the preschool and kindergarten classes. Which means that he moves to a new school with new people next year.
His teacher this year has been so amazing. She recognizes that music is a really powerful teaching tool for kids and so, she uses it ALL THE TIME! And the progress we've seen with LB is amazing! I will always remember this year as the year we REALLY heard his voice for the first time... I can't even describe how my heart leaps each time he says something as simple as "cereal". This year has been filled with some very poignant moments and I credit his amazing teacher for that.
It's funny, I know that Red's teachers enjoy him. They all have thought that he's a great kid (and he is!) and they like him. Little Bug's teachers? They love him. You can see that they truly, genuinely love that kid. This year was no exception. Whenever Little Bug was sick, his teacher would call to check on him. When he hurt his ankle this spring? She called each day to see how he was and then arranged some activities for him to do at school to help keep him off of it. It takes a really special person to work with these kids. Each child has their own set of issues and troubles that are unique and not always easily dealt with. These teachers, aides and therapists are awesome. And we will miss them so very much.
Somehow, the gift cards that will accompany my son to school today, seem so inadequate. Hopefully this small gesture will be able to convey a small part of our gratitude!


  1. When J left his special ed program in California, I felt the same way. It was so hard to leave these special women. Your gifts to them are appreciated, I'm sure!

  2. Interesting system they have...Hope you have the same good experience at the next school!

  3. What a blessing a good teacher is!

  4. I attribute so much of my Brent's success to the teachers he had those early years. I agree that it takes a really special person to work with these children.

    I'm so glad Little Bug has had such a wonderful teacher. (I also agree that music is so important to these children)

  5. Hubs and I were talking about this kind of thing tonight. How do you thank a teacher that has made such an inpact in your childs life.

    I'm glad LB had such good teachers and I know they will love him wherever he goes.

  6. I hope you put a lot of what you just wrote here on the gift cards to the teachers. I'm sure it will be really meaningful and wonderful for them to know just how much they're appreciated. :)

  7. How wonderful our teachers are! My Brother in Law teaches special ed. He loves all the kids he teaches. He teaches High school kids now, but he has taught all ages through his training. It takes a very special person to be able to teach and love our "special" chilren. I am convinced that all special ed teachers have a special spirit that they are able to share with our "Special kids" I say this in hopes that it will help your heart know that next year will be as great as this year, maybe better. Not just anyone can teach special ed-after seing my b-i-l with them, I believe it takes a very special person.
    I have missed you coming around. Stop by some time!

  8. How great that they've loved him and done so much with LB this year! I'm sure you'll find some really great teachers in the future too!

  9. i love hearing good teacher stories because i think there's a lot of them out there and they make such a difference in our kid's lives and maybe make it tolerable when we have to deal with the not so good teachers.

    i'm sure you wrote the teachers a card telling them how much you appreciate them (something like this post). that will mean more than the gift cards.

    hope you have a great weekend.

  10. I am sure they will know you are grateful. They are probably the kind of people who would do it without any praise, because they are amazing. I wish my two would have had an experience like that this last year! You are very lucky. Hopefully it will go well in the future.

  11. You're a sweetheart, Melissa. :)

    I'm so glad he's had a good year. Prayers on the way that the next will be just as great, or better.

  12. That is such an interesting system. I hope it works well for Little Bug. I'm sure it's good so that each child can find something that works for them.

  13. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Wow, the school year just flew by! Your children are so blessed to have such wonderful role models!

  14. Wonderful, caring teachers are priceless! :)


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