Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Come Again?
I'd just like to take this moment to thank my family for some pretty good laughs over the last few days! It seems like someone is always saying or doing something that just gets me chuckling... for instance...
On Sunday we decided to throw some burgers on the grill for dinner. Little Bug and Baby Girl don't really like to eat hamburgers, so we had cooked up some chicken nuggets for them. We all sat down and Baby Girl pointed to the hamburgers and asked, "Can I have one of those turkeys?" Hubby lifted the lid off the burgers (we keep them covered to so that they'll stay warm) and said, "These aren't turkeys! These are hot dogs. H-O-T D-O-G-S (said slowly and and loudly so that he was sure she would understand)." He returned the lid to the plate. I reached across the table, grabbed the lid and said, "These aren't hot dogs! These are hamburgers. H-A-M-B-U-R-G-E-R-S (said slowly and loudly so that I was sure he would understand)". We all had a good laugh about it and then Hubby turned to Red and said, "I think I just made it onto your mom's blog..."
Aye, that ya did laddie. That ya did!
And just one more thing... I finally did it. I know that I am the last person on the planet to do this, but I did it. I read Twilight. It came yesterday morning and I read all day long. I finished it last night. Yes - I read it in one day. And I'll be honest. I'm not sure what I think. I do know that Stephanie Meyer is an amazing story teller. That the book was interesting and fast paced, BUT I'm not sure if I really liked it. Does that make sense? I have ordered the other books, but I'm not dying to get my hands on them. So, basically, the verdict is still out. I'm not over the moon for this book , but I didn't hate it. Please don't throw things at me...


  1. Yeah that's kind of how I felt about Twilight. I thought it was very entertaining but over all I wasn't sure how I felt. I liked the other ones though. Have fun reading!

  2. Anonymous8:21 AM

    What do you mean you don't know if you liked them? You were up at 6:30 this morning ordering the next two, and you made me order a book just so you wouldn't feel guilty about buying them (and for the free shipping of course). Saying you didn't like those books is kind of like calling a Hamburger a Hotdog, don't you think?

  3. I won't throw things at you. I think I just about had people stoning me for my review of The Host. I understand completly your feelings about the book. I agree with your assesment totally. I have a cousin that is so obsessed with them. I am not that into mushiness. I think that was my biggest issue. She creates wonderful relationships.
    I love that your hubby knew you would post about what he had said and done.

  4. LOL about your hubby!!

    Thank goodness for the library. The only book of the series that I would consider buying is Eclipse and only if it was on the discount table for a dollar. I thought they were completely overrated and I just don't get the hype, and don't get me started on how much I hate Bella. Now, I did like The Host. I thought it was a much better book. It had the depth (although shallow depth) that the Twilight books completely lacked.

  5. I know why you didn't like the book. it's kind of like a movie-it's getting incredible reviews, everyone, I mean everyone loves it! You think-how can i go wrong? Well, not everybody has the same opinion,and not everyboy thinks that the same things are that great (i.e.vampires) So-we don't hate you-we might just think your weird-but we love you anyway! BTW-I voted for you! It was the wonder woman poster that put me over the edge-just so you know!

    If you want to read some good books-maybe you have already read them-thr brothers series. they are not really called the Brothers series, IDk thats what I call them. Anyway-The first book the
    Chris Stewart.
    He has 4 books out know-they are all incredible! Definately a book that will not allow u to keep up on family responsibilites.
    Don't say I didn't warn you!?

  6. I have the song Another One Bites the Dust in my head now! Hee hee! I still haven't read it.

    I know a few others who reacted the same way as you. That they enjoyed it, but didn't love it. That the story was so well told but...they weren't as caught up in the characters as much as the plot and the style of it all.

    I'm going to read it. Eventually. =P

  7. Same on Twilight.... it was ok but not one I would INSIST people read.

    Love the hotdog mix up, sounds like something I would do!

  8. Funny! :D

    And uh, I believe that I am the last person on earth to read the book Twilight. Yes, it's true - I have not read it.

    The best part, is that I actually have no plans to read it! haha!

    So, truly, I very likely will be, the last person on earth to read it. Or, is that, the only person on earth NOT to read it???

    Either way. I'm holdin' out. For a looooooooooong time!

  9. I really think that we knew each other in a past life! I had the same feeling about the book. I've read all 3, the first being my favorite. I read them because my students were reading them and parents weren't sure about them....good, but not necessarily a must read.

  10. Loved the story about the hot dogs or should I say hamburgers. Too funny. At least your husband knows how the blog thing works ; )

    I haven't read The Host yet. I did enjoy the others. I certainly would never throw something at you.

  11. Those books are like a drug--totally addictive but not all that rewarding!

  12. Nope, you aren't the last person because I still haven't read it. I think I'm going to borrow a friends book on CD so I can listen to it in the car on the way to and from the job. We'll see.

  13. I loved the Host and haven't bought the Twilight series yet, but it's on my list of eventual reads...

  14. why did she think it was turkey?

    my daughter read twilight and loved it. but after her telling me about the story, i pretty well knew i wouldn't like it. maybe i'll go see the movie when it comes out.

    i just finished 19 minutes (by jodi picoult). i would recommend this book to any and all parents. even though it's fiction, it can teach us a lot about family relationships, kids and their environment.

  15. Haven't read it...and did not get encouragement here! If you ever decide on a verdict, let me know. I haven't decided yet if I should bother. Thank you dear adviser.

  16. I absorbed Twilight like no other book last year. I'm kind of over it now but my 12 and 13 year olds are still swooning over them....and Edward.

  17. I'm not hatin'...but I LOVED Twilight! :)


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