Wednesday, May 14, 2008

No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
We've had our mattress for about 10 years. Honestly - I bought it at a yard sale. The guy said he had bought it a few months earlier and was now having to move to New York and was trying to get rid of most of his furniture and then he'd start out new once he got there. He asked $50 for it... I got him to throw in a set of dishes and we had a deal. You see, we had been sleeping on a full size water bed. But, the bed had been modified or something... so it wasn't actually as big as a full size bed, but not quite as small as a twin. It was very uncomfortable and we really needed a regular mattress.
Now, this mattress was nothing fancy. It was a lovely turquoise color and the coloring bled through the mattress cover and into the sheets for the first while. Lovely. But, we were college students and we took what we could get. It was just fine for many years. But, recently it had developed some dips and odd curves and lumps. Another added bonus was the chorus of squeaking and creaking springs every time you moved. I was waking up each day with back trouble. Neither of us felt like we were getting a good nights sleep. And so, we decided to suck it up and get a new mattress. But, what to do with the old one?
Why, drag it out in the living room and let the kids jump on it of course!
They got to do this under one condition: they would NEVER EVER jump on the new bed! So far we haven't had any trouble... and the kids had a ball jumping on the bed for a few hours before the guys came and hauled it away. It was almost tempting to keep around... but it just didn't match the living room, so it had to go...
And we got a great deal on the new mattress. I'm sleeping better and having less trouble with my back (knock on wood).
But watching the kids jump around made me miss our trampoline. We all used to go out and jump for hours when we lived in Oregon. Now our yard is too small to set the darn thing up. Someday I hope we'll be able to set it up again... someday... but for now, I'll just have to keep them off the bed!


  1. What a fun idea, I bet they loved it!

  2. Anonymous6:46 AM

    That is really to bad it didn't match the living room decor.... Looks like a ton of FUN!!!! :o)

  3. I love the pictures--looks like they are having a fabulous time.

    Glad the new mattress is working out and that you're sleeping better. (It's great when we can get a good nights sleep ; )

  4. Ahhh...don't you just love having a nice mattress? :)

    Those are such happy pictures, and they bring back the sweetest memories! My brothers and I used to jump on our beds all the mom never seemed to know, and none of our mattresses were good quality anyway! ;)

  5. How fun! We got a new mattress a few years ago and just love it! It makes such a huge difference.

  6. it takes a really great mom to think of that. I probably would have just put it outside for the men to come and get it. Glad that your kids had a fun time. They will always remember this and you will forever be the cool mom when they think of this!

    About the swap-I am thinking that it is going to happen the first part of june! So-watch my blog for info!

  7. Drat! So he already came and hauled it away, huh? That's too bad. I think I would've liked a jump...


  8. looks like loads of fun. i bet the kids were thrilled.

    we need to get a new matress too. ours is now 11 years old. it's not all that bad but it does squeak and dips in the middle. guess we're not ready to suck it up yet =)

  9. THey had a BLAST! Glad you got a new bed. Hope it helps!

  10. Something else we have in common!!!!

    Except our mattress is 14 years old and I'm starting to think we'll never be able to afford a new one. My youngest son was born on that mattress, so it's kind of like a family heirloom now.

  11. How I envy you and your new mattress!

  12. Looks like so much fun. I would have had to jump with him.

    Did I know that you lived in Oregon? Where? Can you come back?


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