Monday, May 12, 2008

I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles
Have you ever taken a picture that you just love?? I take a lot of pictures that are just okay. But every now and again, I capture a gem!
The other day Baby Girl and I went out and blew bubbles. I took over 100 pictures (I love digital cameras) and captured this shot:It is my new favorite picture of her! I was really disappointed with how dark it turned out. I wish I had Photoshop, but this is what I did with my program...

It's not exactly how I'd like it to look, but I do think it looks better than before.

What do you think? And, do you edit your photos? If so, what software do you use?


  1. We have photoshop, thanks to Nathan's design classes at UI. But what you did looks good Melissa! Frame it!

  2. I have photoshop as well but rarely use it. I'm strapped enough for time that I don't waste the extra energy!

  3. Anonymous6:05 AM

    I have photoshop but I use it mostly for digi scrapping and blog layouts. I don't edit photos very often unless it's to get rid of red eye, or stick my head on someone else's body. :)

  4. Digital cameras are the best, aren't they? Sometimes I use the photoshop express that they just put out on their website but other than that just usually leave them the way they are.

  5. Derek uses Capture NX. He has a Nikon D80 camera and this is the recommended software. He loves it. I love the picture. How she has grown!

  6. Oh, that one's definitely a keeper. I would edit my photos if I had the patience to figure it out. Maybe I should take a class.

  7. That is the most amazing and darling picture! :)

    Yes, I like edited pictures...too bad I don't actually know how to do it! I have to bug my daughter to do it for me! ;)

  8. How lovely!

    The only time I edit it to lighten up a dark picture, it can make such a difference!

  9. what a great picture. and i do like the second one. it's beautiful.

    i do sometimes edit my pictures. i use either microsoft office picture manager or photoshop elements.

  10. adorable. love both of them. She is so cute. Great job mom.

  11. Wow, I'm not an editer.... I wish I was.

  12. That's such a great picture, melissa. She is so adorable.

    I have a mac and use iPhoto. I love that I can lighten or darken or change the color.

  13. fabulous! I would defniately do something with this pic. I mess with my pics all the time-I use shutterfly fixing software. It works really great-plus, click on the pic and then you can order them, for about 12 cents and then they come in the mail. Literally one stop shopping. Try it-you will like it!

  14. That picture is adorable!!! I just got photoshop a few months ago and am LOVING it!!

  15. It's a beautiful picture!! I don't have any real editing software so I just take a lot of pics and hope for the best.

  16. Anonymous1:54 AM

    I have photoshop but still haven't figured out how to use it! I like the brighter one because you can see her adorable face better.

  17. looks great, I don't know anything about editting

  18. Love that photo! :D Such a beautiful girl.

    I mainly do cropping with my photos, don't do much touchups. Sorry I don't have a program to recommend.

    Go job on the photo though! It's great. :)

  19. I LOVE how you got a picture of the bubble on the right. Perfect! I want photoshop too...I have Microsoft picture it but want more....of course.:p

  20. I love that picture! I can't ever get over how she is your mini me!! Beautiful little darling!

  21. So darling! I don't know jack squat about editing. Sorry.

  22. I love digital cameras! Click, click, click, and you can delete the rest! (But how do you get her to cooperate for 100 pictures? Jake usually rebels at 2.)

    I think you already know how I feel about photo stuff. I LOVE to dink around with photos and other stuff on the computer...I just wish I had Photoshop. I'm using Microsoft's version, DIP (digital image pro). It's okay, but sometimes...well, I wish that Photoshop had come with the rebate and not DIP! Oh well. Someday...just like your trampoline, right?

    What program are you using, anyway?

  23. And the FIRST thing that I meant to say, but somehow forgot I got so carried away in oozing my joy about digital photography--was that the picture is BEAUTIFUL!

  24. I edit a lot using photoshop. Pioneer woman has a lot of really good photoshop tutorials.


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