Thursday, March 27, 2008

  • First off - thanks to all who commented on the pictures! I think my kids are cuties and I had a lot of fun sharing the pictures. We've come to an agreement that I can put up pictures on occasion, but then I will take the photos down a day or so later... so, more pictures will come another day!
  • Little Bug is sick (C - if you're reading this... it is NOT what you guys had... something totally different...). Hopefully it will be short lived...
  • I just finished the first Artemis Fowl book... I liked it! I'm hoping to get my hands on book number two sometime soon!
  • I am removing the blogroll from my sidebar... I haven't updated it in a long time and it seems like the blogs that I read are always changing. I don't want to mess with it!
  • Also, I've decided to delete the "Good Mail Girls Blog". I haven't been able to do anything with it for such a long time. It is another source of guilt for me... and I'm trying to downsize on the guilt stuff in my life - especially if it deals with the computer. So... if any of you are members, I'm sorry that it won't be continuing... if you'd like to go and grab any of the addresses, do it now. It will come down in about a week.
  • A friend called yesterday and asked for a favor... she had made too much dessert and asked if we could take some off her hands. I was a little reluctant, but in the end I gave in. I try to be a good friend when I can. I suffered through SEVERAL helpings last night (no, I won't tell you exactly how many) and I ate one bowl this morning. I know she needs her dish back as soon as possible... the fact that the dessert consists of brownies, a chocolate pudding/mousse, homemade whipped cream and sprinkled with Butterfinger candy bar has NOTHING to do with it...
  • It feels like Friday. I'm kind of annoyed that it isn't. One more day...
  • We got "The Smurfs" from Netflix yesterday! I don't know who is enjoying it more - me or the kids!
  • I have family coming to visit in just a few weeks! I'm so excited to have them here... I told them if they would come visit, I would feed them amazingly wonderful food and now I'm trying to figure out what that food might be! Does anyone have some favorite recipes they would be willing to share?

Well, that's about it from here! Happy Thursday!


  1. That was so nice of you to help out with the dessert.
    You are such a good friend!
    We took dinner in to someone yesterday, and I made 2 desserts. I gave one of them to the lady that just had a baby, and if the second one had been as pretty as the first, I would have given it to another neighbor, but it was sort of funny looking, so we had to eat know, because we didn't want to subject anyone to having to look at the hideously ugly cake, because that would just be mean.

    It tasted really good, and me and the kids ate the whole thing before dinner. Am I a good mom or what?

    You're right about that feeling like Friday thing. I think we should get two Saturdays to make up for the extra Friday we're getting tomorrow.

  2. Yay for getting rid of sources of guilt!

  3. The Smurfs? I would love that too!! How fun!!

    I am annoyed also that today is not Friday! I WANT MY WEEKEND!! Hope your kids get better soon and I want the recipe for that dessert because it sounds YUMOLICIOUS!

  4. Ditto on the Friday thing. I sure could use a Friday. Although, with Hubby being ill, it almost feels like the weekend will be pointless. :S Oh well, at least he will actually BE here. That's a plus!

    Please don't make me hate you, by talking about all that chocolate and whipped cream and Butterfinger stuff....

    Yay! to have your family come for a visit! Uh, you can get to my recipes blog from my regular blog, but I'm afraid I don't keep it updated very much, and I wouldn't really call my recipes 'fancy' or 'amazing.' Sorry I can't be of more help.

    But good luck with it! I'm sure they'll be happy just to see you. :)

  5. What a great random post. I'm so glad I had a chance to see the pictures of your cute kids.

    Love your comment about your friend giving you a dessert--you are so helpful ; ) Sounds like it was DELICIOUS.

    Let go of the guilt.

    For some great recipes, go to

    Have a great day.

  6. TACO RING. I will get this simple recipe up tomorrow.
    By the way.....I can help you with that plate of goodies.

  7. I MISSED the kids! I will have to be naughtier and be online more! I am a good friend like you! I would only do something like that for the best of friends though! I am going to find Smurfs too. Great idea! I also thought of Snorks. Remember that?

  8. oh man... that dessert sounds heavenly. i think i gained a pound just reading about it. you should make that for your family.

  9. Oh sister, I hear you about it not being Friday but we're getting closer so I'll try to be patient.

    You are so sweet and selfless to take that dessert on like that. Truly an example of service..hehe

    Hope you have fun with your company!

  10. It has been forever since I have read.. sorry. Life gets busy. But I wanted to say hi! Hope life is going well. And good luck with balance.. it is good, and important.

  11. Your guilt elimination moves are making ME feel guilty. :)

  12. I'm too late to see the pictures...That's what I get for cutting back on my computer time! :(

    You are such a sweetie to help your friend take care of that dessert...wish I could have taken some of the burden off your shoulders! ;)

  13. You're such a good friend.

    Love Artemis Fowl.

    My motto: Guilt is Optional.
    I learned this from my parents' divorce when they said bad things about each other.

    You are such a good friend. I love dessert for breakfast.

    Pioneer Woman's apple dumplings are fabulous.

  14. I really enjoyed Artemis. Did you ever find a copy of the 2nd Fablehaven book? Let me know and I will send you what you need. Have you tried the Charlie Bone series?


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