Monday, March 24, 2008

First of all, you guys are the best! Thank you for all your encouragement and patience. I am so amazed by the awesome people that read my blog! I had some time to really think about the things that you all said in my "blah" post. And I've come to a few conclusions...
  1. I don't spend enough time with my kids - this one was obvious. They don't look for me anywhere except the computer. They can't find me if I'm not here... sigh. This is wrong on so many levels...
  2. I'm going to cut my blog list down... there is no reason to have that many blogs to read. There were so many of you who commented about only reading blogs you feel connected to - this is wonderful advice!
  3. I'm not going to read every day.... AND I'm not going to feel guilty about it. I love you guys, and I will try to get around to each blog several times a week, but, I hope you'll forgive me if I miss a few posts.

My priorities have GOT TO CHANGE. Family needs to come first, then computer, then laundry. That's my list. Laundry will only take precedence on days when we are contemplating wearing birthday suits. Not a pretty site.
The way I'm plodding through my days right now is not acceptable... and it's time to move forward! I'm done hiding behind the computer... it's time to live and laugh with the people... now, remind me, who are the people?


  1. i think all your decisions are good ones. and if you find any extra time, you'll be around here on the blogosphere. i think blogging is one way you nurture yourself. just find the balance.

    btw... i mentioned you in my post. come visit if you get a chance.

  2. I like that you put laundry below the computer on your priority list ;0)

    I have also recently cut down my blog list. It took the pressure off. I only read the blogs that make me smile.......or laugh out loud.
    Blogging shouldn't be a chore, it should be fun! Isn't that why we all started doing this in the first place?

  3. Good for you, Melissa.

    Family has always got to come first.

    Blogging should never be something you feel guilty about. You visit when you can ; )

  4. I think you have made some great decisions. Blogging should never make you feel guilty. Come and say Hi when you can. Love ya :o)

    P.S. I think the people are the ones you can see in 3-D.

  5. After this horrible weekend, I haven't been on much and I've marked most blog posts unread. I just can't do it. I'm going to thin out my google reader even more.

    Good for you.

  6. Laundry is the last thing on my list too, I HATE IT! Your kids are going to love the extra time with you!

  7. Reading posts like this helps me with my own balance/priority issues. Thanks for the inspiration, luv! Blogging can be a lovely hobby that gives us greater for expression...and beautiful friendships. But it doesn't have to be a full time gig!. I just skimmed through my bloglines list, left a comment or two, and now I'm off to play with the kids again. Feels great! So proud of you!

  8. Good for you! Lose the guilt. I think we all need to rethink our priorities once and a while. Good luck!

  9. We believe in you!

  10. If I only do it after I read scriptures, and when my kids are sleeping or gone, I don't feel guilt...I'm getting off now! I love your blog!

  11. Anonymous11:28 AM

    It's interesting... a LOT (and I'm talking about more than 10) women have also made the mention of doing less blogging. Now, I'm finding that hardly anyone comments on my blog anymore... wah!

    Seriously though, glad to see you have good priorities. I now only blog when the kids are napping and at night. Otherwise, I'd be here ALL THE TIME!

  12. You're so cute. :) I actually put laundry before blogging. I'm like the Laundry Nazi! (hahaha)

    Good luck finding balance. I'm in the same boat, and doing the same thing myself.

    Love ya! (You still have to email me, though, about American Idol...) ;)

  13. Birthday suits is a good gauge. I also do it when all the kids are down to wearing MY socks. Imagine the twins inmismatched purple and pink socks one short the other long.
    Not a good mental pictre. Two boys so sad.

  14. I've been feeling the same way lately. Just out of balance. And as much as I love blogging, I know that it is a large part of my imbalance issue. I have cut back too, I only read the ones that I feel connected to now, and I feel a relationship with (that includes those that I don't in Cali ;)

    Ahh, is the bane of my existense!

  15. Thank you for you awesome play list! I enjoy it!

  16. You go girl! I think you made some excellent decisions! :)

    Right now I'm at the computer, and my hampers runneth over. Hmmm...

  17. Anonymous3:24 AM

    I think it's great that you're doing something proactive in making your family life a priority. You are a great mother!

  18. Great advice... I didn't really get to read blogs (other than friends and family I know in real life, not just cyberspace) while I was on vacation and I realized I was spending way too much time online... I also need to cut back just a bit... babysteps, right???

  19. You know, you gotta do what you gotta do. Priorities are important and if you are feeling obligated about blogging instead of enjoying it, then it's not working for you.

    Now. Turn off the computer and go play.

  20. I'm going to dedicate 'You're The Inspiration' to you right now. It's a very special Casey Kasem "Long Distance Dedication" moment!


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