Monday, February 11, 2008

Why Oh Why?
My kids have this Monday off to observe "Lincoln's Birthday". They have next Monday off to observe "Washington's Birthday".
Who in the world thought this would be a good idea? Don't you think the other Presidents will feel a little left out? Don't you think that we should go back to just "President's Day"? And we will honor ALL of them on JUST ONE DAY! And then... well, then I could be happy. My children wouldn't be home making me crazy. They would be at school making their teachers crazy. And I'm okay with that. So, please - PLEASE! Can we just go back to one holiday? My children's lives and my sanity depend on it...
***Update... I just saw a commercial for a Casino that is a little ways from our home... they have proclaimed it "President's Month". I'm so glad my kids don't go to school THERE!


  1. Wow, we still only have one day. Hope you make it through this day.

    Btw, thought you and your dh's blogs were hilarious!

  2. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Personally, I have no problem with taking a day off to celebrate Washington's Birthday! After all, it's my birthday too! (Actually, his birthday is REALLY Feb. 22 like mine. Tell the school district to fix that!)

    I'm laughing in appreciation though, I think the kids have WAYYY too many vacation days. ;-)

  3. ...Just another thing on my Why California is Weird list.
    ( But you have Disneyland, so that makes up for it.
    Are you still going?)

  4. how are you and the family feeling?

    i'm pretty sure the school kids here are just getting one day off - for president's day. two consecutive mondays doesn't make sense.

  5. See, here in Canada we don't have President's Day ; )
    (We don't even have Prime Minister Day--but we do have Victoria Day, where we celebrate Queen Victoria's birthday, but not Queen Elizabeth's)

    I was surprised when I talked to one of my son's (who lives in California) and he said the kids were off today. Not sure when they started doing that again.

  6. We don't enter the public school system until this fall but I'm sure this will get old quick.

    P.S. I love the new banner.

  7. I wish we could have two separate days off. That would mean one less day of worrying about homework.
    I would also have one more sleep in day.

  8. I'm sure I'll agree with you wholeheartedly when my boys are your kids' ages, but as of now I'm LOVING every vacation day. It means I don't have to drag a uncooperative 4 year old (and some days his three little brothers as well) out of bed before the SUN even comes up, get them dressed (because really, at this time of day, I can barely dress myself, so I don't expect them to be able to!) and stuff them in their carseats with whatever can pass for a to-go breakfast... ahhh, for those few extra minutes of sleep - and hanging around in jammies all day!!
    Yet another reasone why I think I need to move to California.

  9. Good grief.

    I'd be reacting the same way...if they're going to throw that many holidays at you, can't they scrunch 'em together so you have enough time to -do- something with??

  10. We homeschool. I'd like to schedule a holiday for every day of the week.

    Today is National 2-Ply Toilet Paper Appreciation Day. Yay! Let's celebrate!

  11. It's still just President's Day off from school in my neck of the, desert. ;)

    Casinos...ick. :(

  12. Your header is really pretty! :)

  13. I say we overthrow the government and get rid of school! I would much rather sleep. haha!


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